The success of a vibrant community depends on its capacity to live together, educate and provide essential services to its population. ESPACE FRANCO Vision addresses the major concerns that impact services for new immigrants, seniors, women, young, economic development, education, well-bieng and health care.

ESPACE FRANCO de Calgary strategy framework is comprised of: population, space for francophone organizations, leadership and capacity development.

ESPACE FRANCO is and initiative of:

1. ACFA Régionale de Calgary who has a goal to promote francophone culture and connect francophone to community organizations developpement.

2. CDEA (Francophone Chamber of Commerce): As a drinving force behind the expansion of francophone community in Calgary. CDEA focus on assisting small business by supporting and coaching the Project Manager to success.

3. Le Conseil scolaire FrancoSud (Francophone School Board): FrancoSud own 13 schools, from kinderngarden to grade 12, in southern Alberta within 6 in Calgary area. Its goal is to develop francophone pride and provide safe and welcoming learning environment for our students.

4. La Société Franco-Canadienne de Calgary (SFCC): is francophone community organization that run la Village Jean-Toupin, the Calgary Francophone affordable housing for seniors and the Park Beauchemin, a recreation park.

The new Francophone health centre, the Francophone newcomer settlement agency (CANAF) are prime examples of organizations which are involved in the project. We also aim to house small businesses. Cohabitation with private sector entities will foster, among other things, the development of community-focused private-public partnerships. Through ESPACE FRANCO, we arm to guarantee the socio-economic well-being of our community.ESPACE FRANCO will be a community focused private-public partnership enhancing the socio-economic well-being of Calgary. As described in why we exist, the facility will:
• have a holistic focus: bringing together existing services as well as enhancing them with a focus on education, health, recreation, culture, and multi-generational access;
• create synergies, foster networking, and innovation amongst Calgary francophone communities;
• be a gathering place for current and future Calgary francophone residents;
• promote the visibility of francophone culture in Calgary;
• offer Calgarians a rich cultural experience of Canada’s second official language.Our vision is big. ESPACE FRANCO will be a cultural destination for all Calgarians. The center will stimulate socio-economic growth and create a stronger, vibrant francophone community in Calgary as well as a better understanding of French culture.

Be part of the dream. Be part of the plan. ESPACE FRANCO has completed a feasibility study and we are actively investigating land options. We are in the planning stages of our capital campaign and look forward to rolling out a public phase in the near future.

To learn more about supporting this vision, contact Marie-Eve Mayrand at
[email protected]

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Marie-Eve Mayrand


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