Think of us in terms of partnerships, communities, stewardship, water quality and quantity, watersheds, biodiversity, and sustainability. We foster awareness about riparian areas and watersheds, and how improvements in management can enhance landscape health and productivity, for the benefit of landowners, communities and others who use and value these green zones.
What is a Riparian Area? Riparian areas are lands adjacent to streams, rivers, lakes and wetlands, where the vegetation and soils are strongly influenced by the presence of water. Although they make up only a small fraction of the land, they are among the most productive and valuable of all landscape types and have been a focus of conflicts between resource users.
Riparian areas need to be healthy to function properly. Some of those functions include trapping sediments, recharging ground water, providing primary productivity, and supporting biodiversity. We help cattle producers, lakefront residents, landowners, and their communities understand how healthy their riparian areas are, both on their individual operations and in their local watersheds. Understanding riparian health, or function, allows entire communities and individual producers to identify concerns and to proactively address specific land use issues.
Our Mission:
To promote the improvement of riparian areas, their ecological processes and functions, through a collaborative partnership and voluntary, proactive community-based action that uses education and awareness about management options for producers, other landowners and their communities.
Our Objectives:
Riparian health assessment relies on visual observation, a little practice and fine-tuning your ‘eye’ to accurately interpret the health or function of a riparian area. Riparian health assessment helps you address the questions “Where am I?”, “Where do I want to go?”, and “Did I make it?” in terms of riparian health. Both vegetative and physical parameters are examined to provide information about the function and condition of that riparian area. Riparian health assessment and inventory also:
Awards Received:
“I can’t say enough good about Cows and Fish, from the excellent training, the hands-on training, monitoring, good facilitation skills, the incredible knowledge you people have, and the way you are able to bring it down to the farmer level, and to the colleague level. An excellent grass-roots program.” – Northern Alberta Municipal Staff Member
The Cows and Fish Program is based on a set of five elements or phases which collectively make up the “Cows and Fish Process” and you can learn more about this process by clicking here: Cows and Fish process.
We are available to help landowners, communities and local stewardship groups:
We work at the invitation of landowners and local communities to deliver our program:
Whether urban or rural, we encourage you to invite us to work with your community! Whether it is educational presentations, bringing together a team of technical experts to work with residents, hands-on learning to increase management skills, tours of nearby areas to share lessons learned, or helping your community move beyond finger-pointing to stewardship ethic and action, we can help with riparian and watershed management.
One key area we use to engage, motivate and inform is the riparian health assessment. The purpose of riparian health assessment and inventory is to provide better information on riparian health or function to assist landowners and land managers make the best decisions to manage their riparian resources effectively. Combined with practical knowledge and wisdom about their own ranch, farm, land or watershed, riparian health information will help landowners and managers find better land management solutions.
Here are several ways in which riparian health assessment and inventory are delivered:
“As a farmer, I don’t know what I can do, but I know I can do something.” – Northern Alberta Landowner
“Lot’s of people give us things to think about, Cows and Fish gives us thinks to think with.” – Central Alberta Landowner
“If we can do stewardship on our farm and make a difference, there’s a lot of other farms out there that can do it too. This is something I believe average Albertans can do, and we’re average Albertans.” – Watershed Group Member
Your gift can sustain and nourish environmental stewardship in Alberta.
You can enable us to further enhance environmental learning, aid communities in moving from environmental awareness to action and helps to sustain landscapes, communities, and riparian areas. If you’re looking to support positive change in Alberta’s environment, donating to Cows and Fish is a great choice. Numerous methods are available to make a gift to Cows and Fish. Please note that we accept both financial and in-kind (non-financial) support.
Want to make on online, credit card donation? Our first choice is ATB Cares, because they do not take an administrative fee plus they add 15% to your donations! Go to
Or: Download, print and submit our Make a Gift to Cows and Fish form. Our mailing address is:
Emission Reduction Team – Goal: $50,000 annually or donation of specific items.
We are seeking sponsors, donors and contributors for our Emission Reduction Team. If you, your company or organization is interested in becoming part of our Emission Reduction Team, please contact our Executive Director at (403) 381-5538 or [email protected]. Your contribution to Cows and Fish will also be an investment in a cleaner Alberta.
Technology Team – Goal: $15,000 annually or donation of specific items.
We pride ourselves on making our technological items last, but to be honest, some of our old computers, printers, cameras and other gizmos are slowing us down! Our Executive Director’s office chair is from the 1990s! Our staff numbers may be small, but keeping up with technology is expensive.
You can help us to deliver bold presentations in vivid colour, and capture digital imagery with impact. You will enable us to work faster, more efficiently and allow us more time to spend influencing positive change on Alberta’s landscapes and riparian areas. We know you want healthy fish and wildlife populations, clean water and a stable water supply – the right tools in our hands will help us reach those goals.
Norine Ambrose