CCVO (Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations) is a member-based charitable organization that was established in 2004 to strengthen Calgary’s vibrant nonprofit/voluntary sector, and address sector-related public policy issues in Alberta. The high quality of life enjoyed in our communities is built on many of the programs, activities, and services run by more than 26,000 nonprofits and charities that make up Alberta’s nonprofit sector. We are proud to support these organizations through our sector research, advocacy, and informed convening and programming activities.

CCVO is a credible representative for the Alberta nonprofit sector. We keep nonprofits top of mind with governments at all levels by sharing an informed voice on critical issues affecting charities and nonprofits in Alberta. We monitor emerging issues, provide decision-makers with a credible source of information about sector impact, and help nonprofits make sense of policy changes and sector-wide implications.

Strengthening the effectiveness and capacity of organizations and the broader nonprofit sector is a major focus for CCVO. Our workshops, practical resources, and promotion of innovative practices reinforce standards of practice that enable organizations to adapt to external factors and better serve community needs. Our Reach Hire nonprofit career centre connects skilled talent with nonprofit employers.

CCVO recognizes the importance of bringing people together in the spirit of shared dialogue and learning to network, share ideas, and build relationships, drawing on the rich knowledge existing in our community. We are a convener that brings together nonprofit professionals and sector supporters for networking events, learning workshops, and roundtable discussions around shared interests.

Information and Research – We provide in-depth analysis of issues and policies that affect the sector. We scan and monitor for social, environmental, political, and workforce trends that affect nonprofits, and we report on the state of the sector in our annual provincial survey of nonprofits. Comprehensive information on nonprofit salary and human resource practices is also gathered through an annual national survey we conduct.

Training and Tools – We build the sector’s capacity in leadership, human resources, finance, and policy advocacy. Our workshops and communities of practice bring nonprofit professionals together for learning, growth, and networking, while our Reach Hire job board matches nonprofit job seekers with employers.

Connection and Conversation – We engage and advocate the sector’s interests on cross-cutting issues with sector colleagues and government policy makers. We also bring together our members and others from the sector to share insights and innovations, and to explore new ways of working.

Join. Interested nonprofits, individuals, organizations, and businesses can support our work through an annual membership. Regular membership benefits include discounts on event registration as well as special event invitations.

Give. Donate online through CanadaHelps. You may also contact us at 403-261-6655 to discuss specific sponsorship opportunities. Opportunities exist through our Connections series that includes an annual conference and thought leadership breakfasts.

Share. With more than 8,000 nonprofits in Calgary and Area, there are many out there who have yet to hear how we support their efforts. Forward a link, share a story, and tell others about our work to help us spread the word.

Follow. Sign up to receive our newsletter or follow us on Twitter and Facebook (@calgarycvo) to learn more about our work.

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Contact Info

President and CEO

Karen Ball



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