North East Family Connections Society

we serve these populations

  • children and youth
  • immigrant newcomers
  • indigenous communities
  • women

we need help with:

  • Environmental Sustainability

Requesting $10000


Carol and Bill* were nervous about their first appointment, and understandably so. Both recently out of jail, they were trying to find their way in a world that had not been kind.

They had gone through a detoxification program and had recently received guardianship of Bill’s children. The children, Scott and Bobby, two active boys, ages 10 and 11 had been in the care of their birth mother and various temporary placements for over two years. The younger boy, having some developmental disabilities, was most severely affected by the separation and the whole family was struggling with all aspects of life.

The Registered Social Worker at North East Family Connections, drawing on her personal and professional expertise, knew just how to assist this family and designed both short-term and long-term case plans to assist.

Immediate needs were addressed with access to the NEFC onsite pantry and clothing room as well as referrals to community based Agencies that will assist monthly until the family gets back on their feet.

North East Family Connections also laid out a long-term plan.

This plan included successfully finding tuition funding for the youngest boy to attend a school suited to his special needs. They were also able to recommend enrollment to a partner Agency for a long-term financial assistance program to help with clothing, school fees, sports and opportunities for the boys to reach their full potential.

Bill has been set up with an employment counselor, and though still struggling, has been able to find part time work.

Carol successfully found full work while using the public computers and resume writing assistance available at NEFC.

She continues to embrace her new role as the family earner and Bill has enrolled in parenting classes offered at NEFC. He is also going to attend the Financial Literacy training offered by the staff as well.

With just one phone call and the guidance of a compassionate and caring Agency, this family is well on their way to finding stability for themselves and their children and their new journey to happiness and productivity has begun.

One phone call, one appointment, one path to a better life begins.

North East Family Connections (NEFC) provides insight, referrals, programs and knowledge to assist families on their journey to becoming a stronger, more resilient family.

*These are not their real names (Carol and Bill) as we wish to protect the privacy of our clients.


NEFC provides  professional assessment services to assist families understand their root causes of their issues, provides services and programs to help address those problems and follow – up services to maintain families on their path to resiliency and betterment.  Stronger families means stronger children and brighter futures.

NEFC provides services to address the needs of families in the communities from Memorial Drive north to Stony Trail and from Deerfoot Trail east to Stony Trail – the whole north east quadrant of the city.

Up until March 31, 2020, we were funded through the Ministry of Children’s Services; since then we have been funded through FCSS Calgary to provide basic needs support for families experiencing issues with COVID -19.

We continue to provide supports and services to the residents in north east Calgary even though we are only here 3 days a week; partially due to COVID-19 and partially due to funding.

The staff at North East Family Connections are dedicated to supporting the women and families who have been impacted the most by the Pandemic.  We have developed a new program – North East Women’s Connection – NEWN to help provide the support women are asking for as they struggle to keep their balance in an unbalanced world.

Our programs include Domestic Violence Impact programs & Family Parenting and counselling.  In partnership with various city agencies,  we offer many parent centered programming including Magic Carpet Ride, basic needs support and free clothing.

Parents often struggle with how to make sure their children are getting enough play time with those their own age.  Magic Carpet Ride offers many opportunities for children of the same age (3 – 5 years) to play, read, create art, eat, and spend time together.  The best part of the program is that it is free and in the community.

We partner with Sagesse to provide Finding Our Voices, which is a program delivered by peer mentors to women who need to feel hear.

Insight Counselling and Therapy Centre has been a partner with NEFCS to provide counselling students space and clients so they can attain their counselling hours.

CIWA has always been a big part of the services we offer to the north east communities.  CIWA will be running New Friends and Neighborhood Groups as well as a Mom & Tots Walk and Talk for the north east communities.

North East Family Connections is always looking for new Board members with new ideas to better the lives of the families living in our communities. Got an idea for a program you want to run for families or youth? Come talk to one of our staff members to work out the details.

If you are interested in volunteering as a Board member, please visit the office at 95 Falshire Drive N.E (in the lower level of the Falconridge/Castleridge Community Centre) or contact by phone at 403-293-0424 ext 102 or by email at [email protected]

North East Family Connections gladly take all kinds of donations such as food items, cash, gift cards and lightly used clothing.  We rely on donations from the community to fill our emergency pantry as the Food Bank no longer supports NEFCS through their Food Link program.



Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

North East Family Connections Society

Sue Holt Executive Director Instagram @nefcs_yyc



More Info

Charity Number: #872867064RR0001

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Financial Statements / Annual Reports

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