North Rocky View Community Links (Community Links)

non profit

Sola knew she needed to find a way to make a better life for herself and her children and joined the Journey of Healing Group. Tough, yet broken and vulnerable, Sola first needed a safe space to release tears and explore her anger and quickly learned she was not alone. The women in the group shared similar situations and became a source of strength and encouragement for one another. Thanks to the provision of onsite child care, financial and logistical barriers to attending the Group were removed, allowing the women to focus on and make the most of the group experience.

Today, Sola embodies the spirit of empowerment. As a woman fairly new to Canada, coming from a historic culture of limiting beliefs, “I know my most essential role will be teaching my children the importance of fairness, equality and healthy relationships.” Since completing the Group, Sola has moved into a new community, enrolled in post-secondary education and brought her mother to Canada. Sola’s words of wisdom are simple and solemn, “Don’t compromise who you are for anybody and always focus on the bright side, even in the darkness. Life is good now!”

With your donation Community Links can continue to provide quality programs and services to individuals, like Sola.  For more information on Community Links please visit  Thank you in advance for your support – it is greatly appreciated!

OUR HISTORY: Airdrie Family Services was formed in 1982. North Rocky View Community Resources Society was formed in 2001. In 2004, Airdrie Family Services Society and the North Rocky View Community Resource Society partnered to house North Rocky View Parent Links Centre. Now one of 55 Parent Link Centres in Alberta.

On April 1, 2008 – Airdrie Family Services Society and North Rocky View Community Resource Centre Society amalgamated to become North Rocky View Community Links Society.

On July 1, 2017 – Community Links merged the North and South Office locations. With our continued focus on health and wellness; the community is strengthened by providing “One Location” (211, 125 Main St. NW, Airdrie) where individuals and families can continue to receive support and resources creating Stronger Individuals   Stronger Families   Stronger Communities


North Rocky View Community Links Society (Community Links) is a non-profit registered charitable organization providing support, services and programming to individuals from birth to seniors in Airdrie, and surrounding areas including Beiseker, Crossfield, Irricana, Kathyrn, Balzac, and the North Rocky View County. The agency’s purpose is “to serve and promote the welfare of the people of North Rocky View community and to ensure that all people have access to services, resources, and opportunities they require to promote their well-being”.

Community Links’ Vision:   Strong Individuals   Strong Families   Strong Communities

Our Mission: Community Links strengthens individuals, families, and communities of North Rocky View by providing them with and connecting them to services, supports, and resources

Community Links Values:

  • Collaboration: Working together toward a common goal
  • Integrity: Honesty and accountability within our actions
  • Respect: Non-judgmental and compassionate service delivery and dignity for all
  • Diversity: Respecting and accepting individual uniqueness and differences
  • Inclusivity: Open and collaborative approach
  • Quality: Systematic assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of best practice

Through the support provided by Community Links for the period of January 1 – December 31, 2017 we are proud to report:

*We supported 11,044 individuals

*We supported 7,268 families

*Community Links Family Child Care Program is an accredited program with 32 day homes under contract

*Our Emergency Fund in Airdrie, supported strictly through donations, was accessed 141 times

*We supported 333 individuals affected by family violence

*653 seniors were supported by our Senior’s Outreach Program

*Community Links was supported by 287 volunteers

*Volunteers contributed 4820 hours to our organization

*Been a resource and support for 16% of Airdrie’s growing population.  This statistic aligns with previous years of the agency serving between 17 – 22% of Airdrie’s population.

These statistics are a testament that we continue to work towards our Vision of Strong Individuals   Strong Families   Strong Communities and together we can make a positive difference in the well-being of the community by meeting many of the social needs.

*According to our surveys, our programming has contributed to the positive impact of residents by increasing self-esteem and confidence, coping and problem-solving skills, decreasing social isolation, increasing hope, social inclusion, personal knowledge and skills such as parenting as well as increasing the public awareness of other resources and issues that affect our community.

*Two hundred and sixty five volunteers provided 8,287.75 hours of support to the agency;
*Thirty-eight percent of staff have been with the agency over 5 years, this speaks to the dedication that staff have towards the agency.

Community Links supports the communities we serve through four core services: 1) Counselling: Compassionate support for life’s challenges; 2) Family Resources: Helping you raise happy, healthy, children and youth; 3) Outreach: Reaching out to make a difference; and 4) Community Development: Building a stronger community through caring connections.Offers a variety of services, programs, supports, resources and opportunities for individuals from birth to seniors within North Rocky View Region (Airdrie, Beiseker, Crossfield, Irricana and surrounding rural areas of North Rocky View County).
The agency’s core services (Counselling, Family Resource, Community Development all with an outreach component) provides:
Prevention services and programs,
Early childhood development information,
Positive, effective parenting support and strategies,
Ages and Stages social emotional developmental check-ups,
Information and referrals,
Approved and accredited Family Day Home Program,
Connections to supports based on strengths and needs,
Walk-in, short and long term individual and group counselling,
Supports for those affected by family violence,
Short term respite for those experiencing situational stress,
Programs to promote empathy and prevention of bullying,
Educational workshops and presentations for youth, seniors, individuals and families,
Volunteer opportunities,
Connection to basic needs (i.e. Red Cross, Alberta Works, Airdrie/Calgary Housing Ltd),
Toy and Resource Lending Library

Community Links continues to ensure children and families can easily access services in their own communities to address barriers to programs/services as much as possible. For example – child care is provided free of charge so families can attend a parenting class, workshop or a support group such as the Pregnancy and Beyond.

Supporting the childcare community is an important focus of Community Links. Family Child Care strives to enhance the social, physical, intellectual and emotional development of your child. For a family looking for childcare, our Family Child Care Homes offer carefully selected Child Care Providers who work under the guidance of a qualified Family Child Care Consultant. In the best interest of the child, three way communication is maintained between the parents, the Providers and the Agency.

Community Links is one of 55 Parent Link Centre’s in Alberta providing additional and extension of services for children and families, i.e. extended hours of service delivery, drop-in programming, one-on-one support, outreach services, support groups and educational presentations and workshops.

Family Respite Program provides short term child care to parents/caregivers living in Airdrie, Balzac, Beiseker, Crossfield, Irricana, Kathyrn and the surrounding areas in North Rocky View County. This program is for families with children aged 0 – 12 years who are experiencing a stressful situation and/or experiencing barriers such as a lack of social support, depression or family crisis. There is also a seniors respite program.

Intake Services provide a comprehensive assessment and triage service to help people get connected in the agency or in the community. Intake staff provide information and referrals to help get you connected to government programs, housing supports, basic needs supports, etc. plus provide support and advocacy to help simplify the process. Immediate, short-term crisis support is also available.

Community Links has provided support to those affected by family violence in Airdrie and Area for the last twelve years. Individuals can also be supported through various programs and activities including: individual and family crisis support through the Family Violence Prevention Counsellor, intake, assessment, parenting support, avenues to basic needs, education, information and resources on a variety of topics and appropriate referrals in a timely manner within the agency or to community supports.

Group support can be a valued and integral part of recovery and making required changes to move forward. A few counselling groups include Journey of Healing (for women who have experienced family violence), Men’s Connection (Men share personal experiences and learn from each other in a supportive environment), Blended Families (Education and counselling is proved to couples in a blended family) , Mending Hearts (Couples group), Women’s Empowerment (Encourages women to find their voice) and Survivors of Sexual Abuse (in partnership with Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse, this group assists women who have survived sexual abuse as a child).

The success of Community Links is attributed to the combination of qualified and caring staff, remarkable community and the financial support of our generous investors. There are many ways your investment can make a difference!

Community Links recognizes that investors like to be engaged on different levels. We are open to exploring all options to ensure that investors are fully aware of how their dollars are being utilized. Whether it is awareness through written reports or investors stopping by to observe and engage with one of the many programs, groups, workshops; transparency is key.

Did You Know!

$2.00 donation would cover the cost of one Airdrie Transit Bus Pass – a family of five would cost $10.00.

$5.00 donation would cover the cost of a parent to attend a Budgeting Basics Workshop.

$10.00 donation would cover the lifetime cost of a Community Links Toy & Resource Library Membership for a family.

$15.00 donation would cover the cost of one child attending the Safekids Program to educate children on safety.

$25.00 donation would help cover a counselling session for a family.

$50.00 donation for a food card would help a family of three who are in need of food.

$80.00 donation would help cover two play therapy sessions for a family.

$100 would cover the cost of six hours of respite for a family who is experiencing situational crisis.

$150.00 donation would help to cover the costs of a backpack and supplies for an elementary child.

$250.00 donation would help cover the cost of a single Parent Coach to provide Parent Consultation Services for two days.

$500 donation would help cover the cost of two Childcare Workers to provide care for children who attend the Journey of Healing Group for seventeen weeks – the Group is for women who are victims of family violence and receiving support from the Counselling Department.

Other Ways You Can Help:

  • Support our Events: You can support us through event sponsorship.
  • Planned Giving: Estate Gifts, Legacy Planning, or Major Gifts ensure lasting legacies of programs and services that impact individuals, families, community.
    Donations of New or Gently Used Items/Personal Care Products: Community Links “Treasure Vault” is for individuals to access in their time of need.
  • Gifts In Kind: In-kind support donations are welcomed with respect to computer equipment, office furnishings, photocopier, printers, advertising, and emergency supplies for basic needs.
  • Donations of Time: Volunteering is a meaningful gift to give.  We offer opportunities for both individuals and groups to volunteer on whatever level best suits their lifestyle or need.  Every volunteer assist Community Links to make a difference in the lives of people in Airdrie and North Rocky View Region.

The following are some of our Annual Services of Need:

  • Community Development Services/Outreach – intake, toy and resource library, volunteer training and appreciation, educational workshops, connections to basic needs, and prevention of bullying programming. Supports for seniors by providing home visitation, educational presentations and workshops and avenues to community supports. Fundraising target is $100,575.00
  • Counselling Services/Outreach – bringing hope and support to children, youth and adults through walk-in, individual, couple, family and group counselling. Fundraising target is $150,020.00
  • Family Resource Services/Outreach – Parenting and early childhood programming (drop – in, parenting classes, parent consultation and support groups) that serve families of children/youth 0 – 17 years of age. Fundraising target is $69,100.00
  • Prevention of Family Violence Services/Outreach – intake, prevention of family violence by providing counselling, connections to needed supports, seamless services to victims of intimate partner violence. Fundraising target is $95,935.00

Pop in for a Tour: Contact us anytime – we’d be glad to welcome you for a tour to get the “Big Picture” of all Community Links has to offer.

Donations of Money: Donations can be made online via Canada Helps or mailed directly to us. We have the ability to accept credit card and debit card donations at our office. Our location is 211, 125 Main St. NW, Airdrie AB T4B 0P7

We are extremely grateful to each and every person for their on-going generous support throughout the year. We could not achieve all we do without you.

With your help, we can build on the strengths and possibilities for our community. Striving for Strong Individuals   Strong Families   Strong Communities. Thank you!

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Michelle Carre



More Info

Nonprofit Number: #106690241RR0001

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