Independent Living Resource Centre of Calgary (ILRCC)

We are 34 years young and have been impacting Calgary and Area since 1985. We are driven to serve the needs of our fellow Calgarians – your friends, family, neighbours and co-workers. ILRCC run programs for people with disabilities, who come together in a community to learn, get fit/educate, celebrate and innovate.ILRCC also endeavors to regularly address societal perceptions of people with disabilities. When barriers are removed, individuals with disabilities have greater choice and control over the supports that they need. These are resources that are required in reducing barriers to mainstream society: informed ILRCC staff and volunteers that are committed to supporting people in finding the most appropriate and creative solution to each individual needs and abilities. We do this by providing programs, referrals, training and activities that will enable our clients to achieve their highest level of independence and ability; thus improving quality of life.

ILRCC offers unique programs that support learning, building personal confidence, peer support and provide skills development. Our goal is to provide a point of resources and support in local communities that facilitates this new perspective on disability.

The ILRCC has three core programs:

·         LEARN, (Lifelong Education and Awareness of Recreational Needs), The LEARN program is the largest program at ILRCC and offers programs which offer high quality, skills building, social opportunities to adults with a wide range of disabilities

·         Personal Empowerment Program (PEP). The PEP programs assists adults, with both professionally identified or self-identified disabilities, in achieving their own level of independence. This is specifically done in two ways; first, we offer transitional support through service navigation, self advocacy, referrals and resources as well as learning opportunities through workshops, courses and presentations focusing on building lifelong skills. PEP provides information, support, referrals and someone who to listen and connect people with services and agencies in their community.  PEP supports clients is accessing information about various community related topics & issues including AISH appeals and  PDD applications

·         Volunteer Program. The Volunteer program, creates barrier-free volunteer opportunities for adults both with and without disabilities. This program provides volunteers with an opportunity to have a meaningful, productive role is society. The objective is to decrease social isolation, build skills and improve the quality of life. It provides connectedness and enhances community integration for persons with disabilities.Join the Board of Director – If you want to be involved in the future of ILRCC and have a few hours a month, consider joining the ILRCC board.



$25.00 buys an individual with disability to experience a sporting event like Calgary Hitmen Hockey or a play through a community of Calgary theatre group.

$250 buys food and supplies for a LEARN Instructor to teach cooking skills to individuals with a disability

$750 pays for 1 LEARN instructor to teach yoga for health and wellness and mobility for disabled clients for a semester and a half.

$1200 pays rental cost for a community venue in Calgary for LEARN participants to explore music and socialize with peers for individuals with a disability

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Board Chairperson

Diane Stevenson

403-263-6880 Ext 222


More Info

#12791 4463 RR0001

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