Rodrick Foundation Limited

Requesting $559250

non profit

Most women have been working as housewives with the role of producing and looking after children.The husbands have been the bread winners for women’s upkeep. Most men have stopped working as their work places have been closed due to the effects of Covid19 epidemic. The men are in dire need of support as they can not fend for their families by paying for rent, food ,education and health needs , as salary source of income has been stopped.Women have to come into play by beefing up home production in order to see life in their marriage and stop domestic violence in their homes. Promoting home production for  women will required- cages,deep freezers, Blenders, cutlery, ovens ,chicks,feeds and mater to support women commercial production in juice ,food processing and poultry keeping.This will fetch for women a daily income to sustain their homes through this covid19 trouble.The donation will support the procurement of the above to facilitate- poultry keeping, food processing, fruit juice extraction and drying for value addition before distribution in the local and foreign market.

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