Change Leadership Support for Indigenous Youth

Requesting $25000


Youth change leadership and diverse youth and young adult voices are needed now, more than ever! With a decrease in formal programming, young people are stepping up and taking on leadership within communities in ways we’ve never seen before.   For the last three months, despite being physically separated, we have supported Indigenous youth to show up, stand up and be heard. This includes one-to-one outreach and coaching, modifying group programs to be held online, updating facilitation resources, and encouraging youth to share their wisdom on how our communities should respond and rebound stronger from this pandemic.

As restrictions continue and new ways of operating emerge, we need to find different long-term outreach models and re-think how to engage with community in safe ways.   We’d like to support Indigenous youth to be a big part of this process, and ensure that they can continue to access the connections and resources they need to be change-makers in our communities.

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Anna-Marie Ashton



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