Freedom Tree

Our work won us the 2015 YMCA peace medal award in Calgary.

Our focus is to reduce the rates of maternal and infant mortality in Sub Saharan Africa, whilst developing leadership skills with Canadian youth.

We reach 350 youth in Calgary each year with our programs and have successful partnerships with the Boys and Girls Club of Calgary.  We are also developing partnerships with other non-profits in the city to be able to reach more vulnerable youth.Student Leadership development 

Empowering Calgarian youths and young adults under the age of 30 to enter into an internship program with Freedom Tree, the internship lasts for 5 to 7 months.

They are empowered to embark on a short term project that enhances their job skills and current university education which empowers them to enter into their chosen field and provides work experience making them more employable.


Benefit – the public benefit by having more citizens who are empowered to enter the workforce and with employable skill sets and job experience.  The students are also more confident and empowered.  They have each been able to move forward into the workforce successfully or pursue further education.  1 – 2 students benefited each year.

The program was delivered in Calgary AB during the summer between April and October In 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. This was conducted by Freedom Tree.



Mentorship program

Youths are matched with a local mentor in Calgary and work with their mentor to develop specific community engagement skills that increases their level of civic engagement.  These youths were from a vulnerable sector in society and the impact of having a mentor was huge.  They were able to develop their interests by volunteering in local non-profit organizations and also engaging the public in the process.


The public benefit by having youths engaged in meaningful work and volunteerism.  The public also benefited by being able to participate in the mentorship program. There are about 20 participating youths each year and 5 mentors are involved each year. This program was conducted by Freedom Tree.



Global initiatives program

This program is aimed at increasing the level of civic engagement among vulnerable youths, including First Nations Youth by providing opportunities for them to get involved in justice issues.  They are exposed to a number of justice issues and then encouraged to engage in what tugs at their heart strings.  They do this by raising awareness with their friends and families and also by engaging in fundraising initiatives that they create.  They benefit by increasing their skill set, employability, and life experience.  An optional part of this program is a 2 – 3-week expedition to a developing country to practice some of the initiatives they have developed or engaged in.  The intense nature of this expedition is critical to the emotional growth and development of the youth.


There are about 350 participating youths each year and 20 volunteers each year. This program was conducted by Freedom Tree and delivered through partners such as the Boys and Girls Club and various schools throughout the city.


The benefit to the public is an increasing society where young people are aware of the impact of their actions and the difference they can make in our world.

All our programs benefit the community at large by developing a culture and society where the level of civic engagement is higher and where there are more opportunities for unique leadership to emerge.  Studies show that cultures that have increasing levels of civic engagement have higher GDPs and  have better quality leadership as well in all sectors of society

 Support is needed in 3 ways: Treasure, Time, and Talent


  • Your treasure will go where your heart is – We have ongoing needs for funding for projects, and also operational expenses.


  • We need volunteers to give of their time for practical projects, some administrative, and to serve in a variety of capacities.


  • Do you have a talent you can share?  Are you good with social media?  Managing websites?  Writing?  Taking videos?  Organization?  Graphic design?  We have ongoing needs in all of those areas and more.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info


Tara Johnson



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