Fresh Start Recovery Centre

we need help with:

  • addiction recovery
  • mental health

Requesting $200000


Description of Need

The pressing and widespread issue of addiction drives the need for Fresh Start Recovery. Fresh Start strives to counter substance abuse and addiction, which continue to devastate individuals, families, and communities in countless ways.

Accessibility: Fresh Start Recovery aims to make recovery services accessible to a greater range of people, regardless of their financial situation. We bridge the gap for individuals who may not have the means to access private facilities or who are facing extreme situations.

Community Well-Being: Addiction has profound negative impacts on communities, including increased crime, strained healthcare resources, and broken families. Fresh Start continues to help mitigate these issues by providing comprehensive care and support.

Holistic Approach: Fresh Start Recovery has adopted a holistic approach to addiction treatment, addressing not only the physical aspects of addiction but also the psychological, emotional, social factors and spiritual needs that contribute to it. This approach has proven to foster long-term recovery and healthier lifestyles.

Reducing Stigma: Fresh Start Recovery continues to play a crucial role in reducing the stigma associated with addiction. By treating addiction as a health issue rather than a moral failing, we encourage and promote individuals to seek help without fear of judgment.

Research and Advocacy: Fresh Start Recovery has become a leader in the engagement of research and advocacy to improve addiction care through best practice, raise awareness, and promote and develop evidence-based treatment methods.

Meeting Fresh Start’s needs is vital to addressing the complex and far-reaching consequences of addiction, making treatment accessible, and supporting individuals and communities on their journey to recovery.


Who does Fresh Start Recovery serve?

We serve all individuals who are affected by addiction:

  • 100% are vulnerable
  • 77% are functionally homeless
  • 39% are absolutely homeless (50.4% of the functionally homeless)
  • 59% have at least one other concurrent mental health diagnosis
  • 16% are Indigenous
  • 11% are 24 years of age and under
  • 5% are Seniors

Your support is vital to help Fresh Start:

  • maintain the programing and resources that continue to help individuals heal from the ravaging effects of addiction;
  • expand our capacity to provide affordable post-treatment housing options for individuals and families.

Support our Core Mission

Fresh Start is recovering lives by housing, treating and supporting people affected by addiction.

We focus on guiding individuals toward achieving meaningful development in the quality of their life through an increased understanding of addiction and trauma while increasing resiliency through a holistic and supportive experience.

Fresh Start Recovery is a nationally recognized leader in the addictions sector. Established in 1992 and now with three locations in both Calgary and Lethbridge, our vision is to be viewed as the principal in the growth of the recovery community and the choice for the treatment of addiction and co-current disorders in Alberta. We will utilize and further develop evidenced-based approaches that will not only contribute to the delivery of successful outcomes for the individuals directly served but also create expanded engagement with both family, Alumni, and the recovery community at large.

Support the Fresh Start Community Housing Project

Project Description

  • 6-story newly built affordable housing apartment building in Bridgeland
  • 37 residential rental units ranging from 1 to 3 bedrooms
  • Common area spaces for community meetings, recovery-related programming, etc.
  • Peer support such as 12-step programs, group therapy sessions, etc. connects individuals with lived experience in addiction recovery to offer encouragement, understanding, and guidance.

Description of the Need

Addiction recovery is a complex and challenging journey that requires ongoing support and stability.

Affordable housing is a critical component of the recovery process. Financial stress and the inability to afford stable housing can be significant triggers for relapse. By providing obtainable housing options, post-treatment housing ensures that individuals can focus on their recovery without the added burden of financial instability.

Community Impact

Supported and affordable housing after addiction treatment is a crucial element in promoting long-term recovery and sustained well-being for individuals overcoming addiction.

The project meets housing needs for individuals and families and develops COMMUNITY.

This flagship project can serve as a model for other organizations and communities, encouraging them to invest in similar initiatives to address the lack of supported housing options in Alberta. By building a network of post-treatment housing facilities with evidence-based peer support, the recovery-oriented system of care model can be strengthened and expanded, offering comprehensive support to individuals on their journey to sustained recovery.

Our Story – Why We Exist

At Fresh Start Recovery, our mission of housing, treating, and supporting people affected by addiction expands beyond the individual. Addiction is not an isolated disease; its repercussions extend to families and communities, and we exist to help foster recovery and integrate individuals back into the community through a continuum of care that extends past the initial 90-day treatment program.

We have operated for the last 30 years on the philosophy that recovery is a process of restoration – restoring the connection to self, others, and the community. We offer people battling addiction an opportunity to rebuild their lives, transforming them into the best possible versions of themselves. We understand that recovery requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses goal setting and resilience-building in multiple aspects of life. Recreational and therapeutic activities enhance this approach, cultivating an environment for holistic growth.

The outcomes of recovery extend beyond personal victories. The social return on investment is substantial as individuals reintegrate into the workforce, reconnect with their families, and actively participate in the broader community. The process allows them to rediscover and foster values, beliefs, and productive relationships.

Recovery signifies a Fresh Start for families, displaced individuals, and fractured communities. It offers a chance for children to reunite with their parents and for homes to become stable and safe once more. It’s about instilling a renewed sense of pride, accomplishment, structure, and discipline. Our support enables them to create healthy social circles, contribute to the community, and pursue a prosperous life.

At Fresh Start we believe recovery is possible not only for the suffering addict but also for the family, friends and community.  Our Friends and Family Program is available to any man, woman, or family member that presently has or ever has had a substance abuser in their lives.   Some of the topics covered include, but are not limited to, the disease concept of addiction, family roles and systems, co-dependency, guilt vs. shame, enabling, boundaries, healthy communication, letting go, and the grieving process.

Our recovery community (Alumni) is evidence that long-term, peer-supported recovery efforts yield higher success rates. Our emphasis on providing extended housing and a Recovery Oriented System of Care shows our commitment to ensuring our clients’ sustained recovery. By offering affordable, supportive housing over time, we facilitate the integration back into community, work, and family, thereby reducing stress and increasing longevity in recovery.

Fresh Start Recovery exists because society thrives when individuals reintegrate and contribute positively. Through our work, we aim to break the chains of addiction, positively impact our clients and the community, and pave the way for a healthier, happier society. We invite you, as potential donors, to join us in this mission, aiding us in transforming lives, rebuilding families, and revitalizing communities.


On behalf of all the individuals and families we serve, please know that your support is changing lives and the lives of families, loved ones and community – Please accept our Gratitude!



Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Rod Garossino

Director of Fund Development



More Info

Charity Number: #136720737RR0001

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Financial Statements / Annual Reports

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