Join CDLI as they host an eight week community-based learning experience, Success in Community Action, where you will have an opportunity to explore principles, tools, and practices that can help us take action in our communities!
This eight part learning opportunity is for people who are passionate about their communities and are interested in creating positive community change in Calgary and beyond.
Together with other learners, you will deepen your knowledge, learn tools, and build relevant skills that you can use to strengthen your own communities.
The curriculum was developed through a collaborative process with input from Calgary residents, community development practitioners, and others in the field of community development and leadership development.
Learning topics include:
1. Welcome & CD Alive: Strengthening our Communities (February 27)
2. Great Communities: Why, How What (March 6)
3. Complexity & Root Causes (March 13)
4. Community Strengths & Assets (March 20)
5. Relationship Building & Trust in Community (March 27)
6. Working with Conflict (April 3)
7. Identifying and Celebrating Success (April 17)
8. From Ideas to Action (April 24)
The material builds off of learnings from previous weeks, so learners are asked to commit to attend a minimum of 6 of the 8 sessions.
If you have any questions, please get in touch by emailing [email protected] or calling 403-919-3072.