Penny Appeal Canada

we serve these populations

  • children and youth
  • immigrant newcomers
  • women

we need help with:

  • addiction recovery
  • education
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • food security
  • mental health

Requesting $70000


The Foundation for a Path Forward and Penny Appeal Canada (PAC) share a strong partnership aimed at increasing community impact. Both organizations resonate with the vision of building equitable societies and making a lasting difference. PAC, a registered charity, operates as the lead partner, contributing to shaping strategic vision, driving fundraising, and supervising grant utilization. It steers the direction of the programs and ensures that the activities align with their overarching charitable mandate of breaking cycles of need and poverty.

The Foundation operates primarily as the local implementation partner. As the first and only Official Faith Community Convener for anti-racism initiatives in British Columbia and now expanding into Alberta, the Foundation brings its unique expertise and deep contextual understanding into the partnership. Through its well-established local networks and on-ground presence, the Foundation effective translates PAC’s strategies into impactful local initiatives. PAC actively monitors and regulates the usage of funds, ensuring that they are being appropriately channeled towards the intended cause. Our joint endeavor is underpinned by bilateral communication, shared leadership, and mutual respect, helping us synergize our strengths and collaboratively execute more effectively. Our united front aims to create an amplified impact and build resilient communities, aligning with our shared vision of a harmonious and equitable world.

The joint project is on designing and delivering Trauma-Informed Online Harms Workshops for Youth is designed to help youth in Calgary navigate the digital landscape safely and resiliently. The workshops aim to equip youth with strategies to handle such encounters and maintain their mental well-being. Participants will learn about digital literacy, online safety, and importantly, mental health resilience. A significant focus is placed on a trauma-informed approach, recognizing that youth engage with online spaces, content, and experiences that could impose unwanted stress.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Saba Durrani

Grants Manager

(855) 880-4141


More Info

Charity Number: #827502741 RR0001

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