Join us in Airdrie AB for a powerful film screening of “Muffins for Granny,” directed by Nadia McLaren, an award-winning filmmaker whose work honors her grandmother and explores the legacy of Indian Residential Schools. Following the film, Nadia will lead a workshop that begins with a Medicine Wheel teaching, guiding us through meaningful discussions on the community’s role in the work of Reconciliation.
Admission is FREE for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples however you do need to register. Tickets for non-Indigenous people are $10.00 for adults (18+) and $5.00 for Youth (13-17) and includes fees and GST. Tickets can be purchased through Bert Church Live Theatre. Parents and caregivers discretion is advised due to sensitive content.
Honoring Truth and Reconciliation, this commemoration event brings our communities together to honor Survivors, their families, and their communities.
Funding for this event has been provided by the City of Airdrie.