Edge School for Athletes

Edge students and alumni are making an impact in our city and around the world.

Our alumni have grown into leaders in their careers and in their communities. Our first graduates are now in their early 30s, and they are emerging as young leaders grounded in values we need more than ever – values of leadership, effort, attitude, and dignity. Time after time, our alumni reflect on the values that they learned at Edge School. As they look back at their time at Edge, they see how learning these values and learning about the process of pursuing personal excellence has helped them overcome adversity and achieve success.

Edge School has also played an important role in the changing face of education. When our first seven students began in 1999, and even when our new facility was opened during the 2008-09 school year, Edge was a trailblazer. Our model of integrating academics, athletics, and character was unique and we offered a new environment for students to pursue their passion for academics and athletics.

Today, our academies, particularly in Dance and Hockey, have become the standard by which emerging schools and programs are measured. Moreover, we have been at the forefront of the development of entirely new leagues such as the Canadian Sport School Hockey League (CSSHL), a league that had not yet emerged in 2007, but now represents the top recruitment source for junior and college hockey. While new sport schools have emerged across Canada, our approach as a university preparatory school that integrates academics, athletics, and character continues to position Edge, and Calgary, as a leader.Edge School is home to over 300 students in grades 3-12 and has graduated over 600 alumni. Edge student-athletes are enrolled in Hockey, Dance, Basketball, Soccer, Figure Skating, Golf, Multi-Sport, or our Flex Academy. At Edge, sport is a vehicle for academic excellence and character development. Each athletic program is staffed with specialized, sport-specific directors, instructors and coaches, bringing local, national and international experience to our programs.We are on the cusp of many new and exciting milestones at Edge School. For example, in the next few years the children of our first graduates will become Edge students. Great schools become great over time by impacting lives in positive ways and building a culture that extends across generations. With this in mind, our focus in the next five years is to strengthen our culture and dig deep into what it means to achieve our vision of being a global leader in student-athlete development. We will enhance Edge School in three key areas:

1.      Creating world-leading Learning and Development experiences for our student-athletes

2.      Inspiring student achievement and providing opportunities through Student Awards

3.      Demonstrating Community Leadership by enriching our student/alumni experiences and facilities

Because of the support of our community, students have an exceptional place in which to learn and develop, to be part of a team, and to work at improving each day. The integration of academics, athletics, and character is a vital approach to developing life skills and leadership. Edge School is Where Leaders Learn.

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Executive Director, Edge School Foundation

Dana Silver



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