Greater Forest Lawn 55 + Society

The Greater Forest Lawn 55+ Society was established in 1976 as an activity centre for 55+.  The centre has grown to over 11,000 square feet which includes a beautiful hall, games room, craft area, workshop, wheelchair accessible gym, drama club, music room and barber shop.  We proudly partner with LINKages an Intergenerational Program linking youth and seniors as well as Calgary Seniors Resource who provide Outreach support and an onsite Social Worker and Memory Plus who offer Caregiver and Memory Care Programs within our facility. In conjunction with the City of Calgary we also offer an essential Home Maintenance Service which includes Lawn Care, Snow Removal and Housekeeping.  Our partnerships, programs and services support seniors and their families with reducing isolation and loneliness and increasing social connection and a sense of well-being and belonging.One of our popular programs is the Home Maintenance which includes Snow Removal, Lawn Care and Housekeeping.  These are essential services for our community to remain independent, connected and help with mental & physical well-being.  Our maintenance crew who lead this program enjoy working with the seniors and have said numerous times that because of this service the seniors are able to get out of the house safely in the winter months, enjoy their yards in the summer months and enjoy both the company of their housekeeper and a clean house.  Our maintenance crew are thankful to provide these services to clients in need.At GFLS 55+ Society we require funding to continue providing our community with programs, services that our essential to the members in our community.  We are always looking for sponsors to help nourish our community and volunteers to help support the day to day functions of running our centre.   Come down to our facility today to sign up and become apart of our GFLS Family!

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Executive Director

Jenna Jepson



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