Alberta Registered Nurses Educational Trust (ARNET)

we serve these populations

  • aging population
  • children and youth
  • homelessness
  • indigenous communities
  • women

we need help with:

  • education
  • mental health
  • physical health
  • science and research

Requesting $300000


We are incorporated under the Health Professions Act as a registered charity, which means we raise, manage, and disburse educational and research funding for registered nurses (RNs) and nurse practitioners (NPs). There are over 39,000 RNs and 600 NPs across Alberta who are eligible to apply for this funding.

ARNET’s purpose is to fund the growth of knowledge and skills of nurses to improve health care for Albertans. We do this through grants and scholarships for continuing education and research. The need for support for nurses has never been greater. Your donation will help fund RN-led research to advance the ‘care’ side of healthcare and continuing education for RNs.

When you partner with ARNET, you contribute to cutting-edge research, healthcare, and interventions for Albertans everywhere .

Changes to nursing care is consistent because of the need to respond to cutting edge changes in treatment and care for people. We continue to hear from many nurses on the frontlines expressing the stress of the workplace and the challenges to maintain their own mental health, while facing violence and aggression daily in the workplace

ARNET is a support for nurses because we provide funding for continuing their education through participation in:
-workshops and conferences,
-taking specialty courses in areas like critical care, emergency, neonatal, pediatrics or operating room nursing,
-gaining advanced skills in cardiac life support or pediatric advanced life support or
-advancing their education through masters and PhD programs to become nurse practitioners and advanced practice nurses, educators, administrators, and researchers.

Since health care systems are facing a significant shortage in both front-line staff and nursing educators, we need more nurses educated at higher levels to teach our new nurses and to advance research.

Access to primary care remains a longstanding issue as 1 in 4 Albertans do not have a family doctor. Nurse practitioners are part of the solution to expanding access to primary care. ARNET has a role in supporting nurses to advance their education and fill these gaps in care.

Your donation helps nurses best prepare to manage unimaginable life and death situations.

Help give nurses the support they need, to give patients the care they require.

Your gift will be paid forward to patients every hour of every day by nurses throughout Alberta.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Marilyn Wacko

Executive Director

(780) 907-3025


More Info

Charity Number: #888788999RR0001

Visit our Website

Financial Statements / Annual Reports

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