Alberta Science Network: An Alberta Society

we serve these populations

  • children and youth

we need help with:

  • education
  • science and research

Requesting $5000

non profit

Alberta Science Network (ASN) is a registered Canadian charity with business number BN 12907 9315 RR0001. Originally formed as Calgary Science Network, we have been serving teachers and their students since 1991. To increase efficiencies, in 2013 we merged with other regional science organizations across Alberta and subsequently changed our name.

Our signature program is Scientists & Engineers-in-the-Classroom (SEitC). Practising scientists and engineers volunteer their time to deliver in person, hands-on and curriculum linked presentations to students and their teachers. SEitC creates the initial spark toward an interest in science by enriching the curriculum with fun activities that have real world connections, teaching students to ask questions and promoting critical thinking skills.

ASN Mission: We bring science to life for students through hands-on activities and provide educators with tools and resources to get kids excited about science.

ASN Vision: Young people inspired by science who have fun discovering its relevance to everyday life.

While Scientists & Engineers-in-the-Classroom is available to teachers and students in grades 1 to 9, historically over 85% of our teacher requests for SEitC are for grade 2 to 6 science topics. This is likely because most teachers in the elementary grades lack post secondary science education and with the very diverse Alberta Education science curriculum topics, it can be a challenge for teachers to accurately and confidently convey the theory behind the science as they do not necessarily have the resources or knowledge.

Scientists & Engineers-in-the-Classroom is live and in person. It ensures that students receive education that increases scientific awareness, stimulates young minds and exposes them at an early age to the wide variety of traditional and emerging careers in science and technology.

The Covid pandemic caused a significant disruption to our program delivery as our volunteers were unable to enter classrooms. We reduced our staffing levels accordingly and are now moving forward to rebuild our operations.

Your generous support will help us to keep program delivery costs manageable for teachers. Over time as we redevelop our volunteer base and increase program delivery, we will reduce program costs in parallel.

If you are interested in joining the Alberta Science Network as a member, participating as a classroom science volunteer or providing a donation to support the annual operations of our Society, please visit our website for more information at

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Alberta Science Network: An Alberta Society

Executive Director



More Info

Charity Number: #129079315RR0001

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Financial Statements / Annual Reports

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