The Bragg Creek Trails Association (BCTA) operates a sustainable 165 kilometres trails system for the enjoyment of all non-motorized trail users on public lands in the West Bragg Creek area within Rocky View County and Eastern Kananaskis Country. Ours is a recreational playground located only 45 minutes from west Calgary and used by some 300,000 outdoors enthusiasts annually. Children learn to cross country ski on our trails; people of all ages come to hike, including seniors and members of the many outdoors clubs in the area; families and individuals come to mountain bike; trail runners stretch their legs on our trails. We even have dedicated trails for horses and their riders. BCT truly is a multi-use recreational resource.
Our operating budget is 3/4 funded by the Alberta government, and we fund raise for the remaining $150,000 need to sustain operations. We operate with 3.5 FTE’s.
Donations go directly into our operating budget unless the donation is targeted for a capital expenditure.