Working together through innovative action, CFAN champions a healthy response to FASD in Calgary and surrounding areas. We bring together families, community partners, agencies and other stakeholders to address the challenges faced by those affected by FASD and to remove both individual and systemic barriers so individuals can thrive. In addition, CFAN aims to reduce the number of alcohol-exposed pregnancies through targeted education, training and awareness initiatives that promote the message that no amount of alcohol is safe during pregnancy and support women to have healthy pregnancies.
With the ongoing support of funders, donors and community partners, CFAN is making a difference in the lives of vulnerable people in Calgary and surrounding areas:
As we work to prevent and respond to FASD in our community, CFAN offers support, acceptance and leadership for positive change.
Calgary Fetal Alcohol Network ensures individuals and caregivers will receive effective supports and services that are tailored to their specific needs and available throughout their lives through a proven service delivery model that provides comprehensive supports to over 1,000 Albertans each year. CFAN provides short-term support, advocacy and systems navigation assistance and also oversees contracted FASD services in three key service areas:
Calgary Fetal Alcohol Network connect people with the information, insights, and practical strategies needed to dispel myths and misinformation and to cultivate the understanding, opportunities and care that individuals with FASD deserve.
Calgary Fetal Alcohol Network brings people and knowledge together so we move forward and continue to be champions for the current and potential future families facing FASD. Through membership directives, we convene:
CFAN is a small charity with a wide reach. When you partner with and invest in CFAN, you’re making a difference; you’re creating a community where no one faces FASD alone and individuals thrive.
CFAN hosts several special events throughout the year, including the annual FASD Day Breakfast, (September 9) Caregiver events, and more. A variety of sponsorship levels and opportunities are available.
Invest your time, energy or expertise in a worthy cause. CFAN is looking for volunteers in the following areas:
Special Events – group and individual opportunities available. Contact CFAN for dates and opportunities.
Committees – CFAN has a number of openings for committed individuals on various committees, working grounds and, occasionally , its
Board of Directors. Contact CFAN to find out what opportunities may fit your individual interest, skill set and availability.
Financials donations can provide life-changing programs and services for vulnerable individuals in the following areas:
Research shows that FASD costs the Canadian economy $9.7 billion each year due to increased health care, education and other needs, as well as lost employment and related issues; the total cost of FASD in Alberta is estimated at $970 million per year. For each prevented case of FASD, Albertans save approximately $800,000.
An investment of $36,000 can provide regular prevention training and education sessions to service providers in key sectors with information and tools to support women in alcohol-free pregnancies.
Empowerment Fund:
CFAN’s Cathy Lane Goodfellow Empowerment Fund provides financial bursaries for individuals living with FASD and/or their caregivers or families. Funds may be used for education, employment preparation, housing support and other needs.
An investment of $15,000 provides 20 individuals with access to beneficial supports and opportunities that are otherwise beyond their financial reach.
Network support worker
The needs of someone with an FASD often require multi-sector information, supports and services. Navigating the systems can be complex, especially for someone who lives the developmental disabilities resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure. CFAN helps individuals find the help they need by providing information, referrals, system navigation, short-term supports, and advocacy
An investment of $80,000 can help up to 50 individuals access the supports and services they need to live healthy, fulfilling lives.
Assessment & Diagnosis
An FASD diagnosis makes a big difference. A diagnosis can help individuals better understand their challenges and strengths and help them locate the appropriate interventions and supports, some of which are contingent on formal medical diagnosis. Research indicates that early diagnosis can improve life outcomes for individuals with FASD. Unfortunately, assessment spaces are limited, and demand far exceeds current capacity. At present, the Calgary region only has funding for 27 FASD assessments per year.
An investment of $6,000 provides one individual with an FASD assessment and diagnosis. An investment of $48,000 would increase the Calgary region’s assessment and diagnosis capacity by 30%.