Calgary South West United Soccer Association

Requesting $150000

non profit

Financial Aid for Calgary South West United Youth Soccer Club due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Our Youth Soccer club is home to over 2500 youth soccer players ages U3 to U19 and currently with the Covid-19 pandemic that has occurred we have been forced to temporarily close our doors and suspend any soccer activity. I am reaching out to you in hopes that you can steer me in the right direction on obtaining financial aid made available to support organizations such as ours. South West United (SWU) is a not-for profit youth soccer organization and we depend on our membership fees to keep our doors open, programs running and our youth playing. If our outdoor soccer season happens to be cancelled we would need funding to help in keeping our facility doors open.

Any insight you can shed on this would be greatly welcome and appreciated.
Thank you for your time,

Sandra Kulisz

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

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Sandra Kulisz



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