Canadian Animal Task Force Society

we serve these populations

  • animal welfare
  • indigenous communities

we need help with:

  • education
  • physical health

“We partner with communities who request guidance, support, and resources to humanely manage their companion animal population, in order to improve the safety of their community and the well being of the animals.”

The Task Force has several programs that assist both people and their companion animals.

-High volume, onsite spay/neuter clinics: held within First Nation communities in an effort to reduce pet overpopulation and reduce human/animal conflict
-Pet Retention Program: assists qualified owners whose pets require veterinary care that the owner cannot afford in an effort to avoid beloved pets being surrendered to humane societies or rescue groups.
-Disaster Relief: members of the “Companion Animal Disaster Response Capability Steering Committee” that was formed in response to the need to create a province-wide plan for companion animals in times of disaster. The Committee is led by the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association and the Director of Alberta Provincial Social Services, among other provincial agencies and animal welfare groups; also a non profit member of the Calgary Emergency Management Agency. The CATF has assisted in several disasters.
-Community Cat Program: a multi component, wholistic program for free roaming cats
-Dog Care and Management Program: we provide guidance and support for a community based Program for First Nations that includes by laws
-Emergency Vaccination Clinics: licensed by the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association; in response to Canine Distemper outbreaks.

Since our inception, we have spayed or neutered over 19,000 dogs and cats.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

R.J. Bailot

Executive Director

(403) 837-7442


More Info

Charity Number: #82559 6018 RR0001

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