Canadian Cancer Society

we serve these populations

  • aging population
  • children and youth
  • immigrant newcomers
  • indigenous communities
  • women

we need help with:

  • cancer care


At the Canadian Cancer Society, we are committed to uniting and inspiring Canadians to take control of cancer. That is why we always fund high-performance research that improves cancer outcomes and addresses the greatest opportunities for progress. It is why we lead change in the most pressing areas of cancer policy, including prevention, access, affordability and support. And it is why we provide the highest quality cancer information for all Canadians, promote cancer prevention and provide targeted support to help people with cancer, their families and caregivers cope.


Our impact is far-reaching geographically and we target underserved communities from coast to coast. Working as a national organization allows us to operate more efficiently and ensure donor dollars are spent effectively to benefit families in Calgary and beyond.


Below are a few of our impact highlights from 2021/22 that were made possible thanks to the exceptional support of our donors and volunteers:

· Invested $2.51M to support 11 cancer research projects in Calgary – innovating world-first treatments. Advanced 88 clinical trials in Alberta for cutting-edge research – testing ways to prevent, detect, treat or manage cancer.

· Progressed advocacy work through 29 CCS-funded policy changes and engagement with over 600 elected officials and policy makers – including achieving a world-first in tobacco control – requiring individual health warnings on the 20 billion cigarettes sold every year.

· Supported Canadians with cancer coping with isolation and anxiety. More than 6000 people in Calgary accessed essential support online and through our dedicated Cancer Information Helpline (phone, email and chat).

Progressing Cancer Research for Families in Calgary

Due largely to research, 63% of people diagnosed with cancer in Canada today are expected to survive 5 years or more, compared to only 25% in the 1940s. In 2022, we supported 6 new Breakthrough Team Grants – bringing the sharpest minds across Canada together to collaborate in forward-looking research. We are the only cancer charity that leverages geographical collaborations in this way.

Our brilliant Calgary-based researchers include: Dr May Lynn Quan, University of Calgary, her team is creating a new tool to help young women with breast cancer live fuller lives; and Dr Nicole Culos-Reed, University of Calgary, her team is improving exercise-based survivorship care for people with cancer living in Alberta and across Canada.

Working Towards a Brighter Future in Cancer

We set ourselves apart from other cancer charities by taking a comprehensive and carefully targeted approach against cancer.

· Canada’s largest national charitable funder of research into 100+ types of cancer

· Educate Canadians on how to reduce their risk of cancer and how some types of cancer can be found early through screening tests

· Support services network helps people with cancer and their loved ones manage life with cancer, find community and connection – building wellness and resilience

· Trusted source of information about all types of cancer, with information offered by phone in 200 languages

· Advocate to governments and shape health policies to save lives and make living with cancer easier

Together We Can Take Action Against Cancer

Over the last 80 years, at the Canadian Cancer Society, we’ve played a leading role in acting against cancer. Without our donors and volunteers, we would not be able to fund research, provide information and services, educate people about how to prevent cancer and advocate for positive changes.

About 2 in 5 Canadians are expected to be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetime. We need your support now more than ever.

Here are just a few ways to support our organization, such as:

· Volunteering with us is an excellent opportunity for you to make a positive impact in our community, be part of a team, share your experience, learn new skills and develop lasting friendships

· Becoming a monthly donor as this form of giving helps reduce administration costs so that more of your donation goes directly to research, programs and services

· Registering for the CIBC Run for the Cure, a rally for the community to support our work

· Giving a gift in honour or memory of a loved one or purchasing a Gift for the Cure

· Leaving a legacy gift to make a lasting contribution while reducing or eliminating taxes on your estate

· Be a vital voice of change for Canadians facing delayed health care, families without access to life-giving cancer treatments and caregivers needing support.

Thank you for advancing cancer research, changing outcomes and saving lives.

You are helping to rewrite the cancer stories for families in Calgary and beyond.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Candice Weremey

Director, Leadership Giving (Prairies)



More Info

Charity Number: #118829803 RR0001

Visit our Website