Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - Southern Alberta (CPAWS-SAB)

we need help with:

  • conservation
  • education
  • Environmental Sustainability
non profit

Who We Are

The Southern Alberta Chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society’s mission is to safeguard, connect, and expand Alberta’s parks and wilderness. Our vision is a landscape with a growing abundance of parks, protected areas and wilderness, where nature thrives because of the conservation efforts of and for all Albertans. We work toward these goals through education, engagement, and collaboration with Albertans of all backgrounds.

What We Do

Founded in 1967, CPAWS Southern Alberta works with other non-profits, First Nations, government, industry and individuals throughout this region to safeguard our lands and waters. We believe that nature, wilderness and wild places have intrinsic value – and that healthy ecosystems have a positive impact on human wellness. When ecosystems are healthy, functioning, resilient and diverse, nature is thriving – and so are we!

To that end, we’ve supported the construction of the now world-famous wildlife crossing structures in Banff National Park, protected 175 provincial parks and recreation areas from being removed from Alberta’s provincial park system, and helped to reverse the cancellation of the 1976 Coal Policy.

Moreover, we recognize that decolonization and social justice are the future of conservation: If we want to protect Alberta’s landscape, we need to see inclusive conservation efforts and commit to reducing barriers and amplifying diverse voices in conservation.

How You Can Help

We appreciate general donations that support our work, and which allow us to direct funds where they are needed most, but if you’d like to support a specific project, please consider one of our current initiatives:

Help Steward a Future for At Risk Native Trout and One of Alberta’s Most Beloved Natural Regions

A 1,200 Hectare Clearcut Threatens to Decimate the Upper Highwood in Kananaskis Country — and Destroy Critical Habitat for the Threatened Bull Trout

Last winter, we put out a call for donations to help fund an independent environmental assessment of the Upper Highwood, including environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling of bull trout in Loomis Creek – a tributary of the Highwood River, legally designated as Critical Habitat for Alberta’s official fish under the Species at Risk Act (SARA).

We were tremendously grateful that Bow River Trout Foundation’s board responded immediately, donating the entire $3,300 required.

That assessment, the results of which can be found on our website, confirmed the presence of bull trout in Loomis Creek. While many weren’t surprised by this news, it served as a crucial reminder of the importance of the area not only for this SARA-listed species, but also for the preservation of regional biodiversity and hydrological function.

Nevertheless, West Fraser Cochrane plans to proceed with the 1,200 hectares of clearcut in the Upper Highwood and has submitted the same Annual Operating Plan for the 2024-2025 season, making it clear that the company has not listened — let alone addressed — the concerns that thousands of Albertans have expressed about the profoundly irresponsible and unsustainable nature of this harvest.

This is also in spite of the fact that a report commissioned by the Government of Alberta last year found that logging would result in a “high likelihood that planned forest harvest will lead to increased peak flows in Loomis Creek” and that “substantial changes in hydrologic indicators due to climate change are likely to be compounded by a high level of forest harvest in the watershed.” This finding corroborates our own technical watershed assessment which found very high risks of increased peak flows and surface erosion due to the planned harvest, which would have a major impact on trout populations.

Given the immense value of this corner of Kananaskis – for wildlife, but also for recreation and tourism – and the crucial role it plays in flood mitigation for the region, particularly for at-risk downstream municipalities such as High River and the Îyârhe Nakoda community of Eden Valley, we remain committed to ensuring this clearcut does not come to pass.

We are therefore mounting a comprehensive field-based assessment of forest hydrology, fish distribution and habitat use, and erosion and sedimentation monitoring for Loomis Creek and the adjacent Highwood River. Our firm belief is that this will build an indisputable case through rigorous scientific analysis that the Upper Highwood and Loomis Creek watersheds should not be harvested for timber, given the region’s importance for both at-risk native trout, and headwaters integrity.

We Need to Raise $55,000 Before June 15, 2024 and We Need Your Help — Urgently

We are fortunate to already have in place:

  • An experienced team of fish biologists, geoscientists, and conservationists ready to conduct and support the project;
  • A generous donation of $10,000 from an individual; and
  • Equipment donation from Solinst, a private company keen to support the project.

None of the funds collected through this campaign will go towards CPAWS Southern Alberta staff time or operating costs. All donations will be directed toward the time, labour, and hard costs (e.g., equipment, sampling) of the contracted consultant, to further demonstrate the ecological value of protecting and preserving the Upper Highwood now and into the future.

The road reopens on June 15 and the entire $55,000 must be raised before the contractor can begin work. The field season is short, and time is running out before logging operations recommence.

To learn more about this project, click here. To explore our all of our conservation work to Defend Alberta Forests, click here.

Photo Credit: Amber Toner

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - Southern Alberta (CPAWS-SAB)

Kat Graves, Communications Manager



More Info

Nonprofit Number: #106865272RR0001

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