Coalition for Equal Access to Education Society

Research and Resource Development

We undertake action research projects to better understand the complex needs facing immigrant and ethnocultural children, youth, and families.

Institutional Development

We facilitate positive, equitable changes in public institutions in order to effectively respond to changing demographics and needs. We provide education and government stakeholders with our critiques and recommendations on the development of policies, practices and programs that affect immigrant and ethnocultural children, youth, and families. We serve as an advisor and consultant to support institutions with their development and implementation of policies and programs.

Youth Leadership and Capacity Building

We promote meaningful participation and collaboration among community, education and government stakeholders. Using the approach of community development and empowerment, we provide youth leadership training so that immigrant and ethnocultural youth can develop the skills and capacity to be actively involved in making positive contributions to their community.

Public Education and Advocacy

We promote knowledge and dialogue about issues affecting immigrant and ethnocultural children, youth, and families. We research and share information with government, education and community stakeholders via publications, presentations, workshops, public fora and media.

 Youth Leadership Program

Community leadership plays an important role in a vibrant civil society. It encourages civic participation, promotes community viability and sustainability, and fosters a deep sense of connection of citizens to the land and to other community members. In a multicultural Canadian society, community leadership is strengthened by the diversity of worldviews, knowledge, wisdom, life experiences, and ways of living.

Every year, we work with immigrant and ethnocultural youth between the ages of 18 and 27 to enhance their leadership capacities, and make positive contributions in the community through a series of workshops, and guided development and implementation of youth-led initiatives.

Participatory Action Research Projects

We have led several initiatives that have informed the development of progressive policies in public institutions and programs that address the needs of immigrant and ethnocultural children, youth and families. Here are some of our recent initiatives:

Transitions to Adulthood – Immigrant Youth

Drawing on a collection of qualitative interviews with immigrant youth between the ages of 16 and 30 years, this paper has a dual purpose. First, it hopes to address this gap in the literature around the transition to adulthood of immigrant youth. Second, it aims at making a series of recommendations that will lead to more responsive educational and human services systems for immigrant youth transitioning to adulthood in Canada.

Toward Quality, Equitable English as a Second Language Education: A Practical Framework for Effective ESL Education

This document proposes a framework for effective ESL education.  The areas of focus include: continuum of standardized K-12 ESL services, development and implementation of ESL programs of study, associated psychological, sociocultural and academic support, funding support, professional standards, research and knowledge development and infrastructure to support ESL reform.

Immigrant Children in Focus: A Map of  Needs, Strategies and Existing Resources

This resource aims to deepen understanding of individuals and organizations about complex issues facing immigrant children. It further helps to facilitate planning to develop responsive services for immigrant children. The objectives of this resource document include: identify issues facing immigrant children; suggest strategies to deal with identified issues; and develop an inventory of existing services for immigrant children.If you feel passionate about helping build immigrant and ethnocultural youth to be part of Canada’s next generation of nation builders, then please feel free to help us out:


We welcome all the help you can spare! Your donations can help in the day-to-day logistics of our Youth Leadership Program.


We are constantly looking for volunteers who are interested in working on issues related to multiculturalism, inclusion, youth, parents, families, immigration, or English Language Learner education.


Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Executive Director

Fernando Cala



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