The Right-Hand Support Program (RHS) is completely funded through grants, continued funding is ongoing. The program has been developed to meet the increasing mental health challenges that have been identified by agencies and organizations in the community of Cochrane and area. Cochrane’s social agencies such as FCSS, AHS and FRN (Family Resource Network) have identified the need for ongoing support for persons and families who are struggling. In identifying this need, Cochrane Alliance Church, along with other Cochrane churches and faith-based communities have volunteered to be a part of a peer mentor initiative named Right Hand Support Program. The program trains and equips volunteers who would like to support and walk alongside struggling people but may have felt inadequately equipped to deal with their challenges. The mentees are recommended from agencies, organizations and churches in Cochrane and area. Peer mentors are matched with mentees, and both are monitored, supported. This is an exciting opportunity to reach out, and journey with those who often feel excluded, alone, and rejected by society.
All mentors are interviewed, vetted and all Mentees are assessed and matched according to their needs by trained and qualified trauma counsellors.