Cochrane Pregnancy Care Centre

Requesting $37500


Cochrane Pregnancy Care Centre relies solely on fundraising donations for its operations but has lost their two primary fundraising events due to COVID. An intensified donor campaign has yet to see a sufficient response to meet our June 30, 2020 year-end budget. The Centre office has been closed to clients and restricted to one staff. This has meant a loss of valuable volunteer help and being able to connect in-person with our clients, most of whom are considered vulnerable. Adaptations have been made by offering virtual baby boutique shopping and meeting clients in the parking lot to deliver material supplies of clothing, diapers, baby formula and frozen meals. We also delivered meals and pregnancy tests to our client’s homes when necessary. Our virtual Infant Parenting Class had a record number of participants while other counselling services have been delivered virtually. Staff are experiencing increased stress related to loss of face to face contact and extra COVID demands.

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Laurel Pedersen



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Charity Number: #865083885RR0001

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