Crossway Community Thrift Store

Over the past 19 plus years, our two main programs, Jacket Frost and Back to School, have provided between 100-300 children each year with backpacks and school supplies that have allowed them to succeed in school with their peers as well as stay warm in the harsh Alberta winter. We are focused on helping the underprivilaged members of our community thrive.

In 2016, both programs helped a combined total of over 120 disadvantaged youths.
Last year, both programs helped a combined total of over 280 disadvantaged youths.
This year, we expect there to be over 310 disadvantaged youths between both programs.
Our goal is to help as many disadvantaged youths in our community as possible, and each year the number of youths helped by both programs keeps rising.Jacket Frost Campaign:
Since it’s inception, the Jacket Frost Campaign has provided hundreds of children from low-income families in the Bow Valley area with proper warm winter clothing. These children have been referred by schools, churches, and other local agencies in our community. The aim of the program is to provide new winter jackets that will last the children two cold winter seasons, as well as provide accessories, such as hats and gloves, from the thrift store’s stock.

Back to School Backpack Campaign:
The Back to School Backpack program provides disadvantaged youth in our community with a backpack and school supplies that are some of the necessary tools they need to thrive in school. Over the many years this program has been running, we have provided supplies to over 1200 students from low-income families. This program takes a stress off of parents budgets and allows students to start the school year off feeling the same excitement as their peers. These backpacks and supplies enable our students to concentrate on their education and their future.

Many families in our community are being threatened by the harsh rising cost of living and many of these parents are working jobs that are essential to our community — gas stations, grocery stores, and hotels, to name a few. Backpacks, school supplies, and proper winter clothing are some of the many daunting expenses low-income families face during the beginning of the school year and each winter season. These programs were started to help our community and alleviate some of these costs.The best way to support our initiative is to donate! Our thrift store thrives only on the donations of the generous members of our community! Donate winter jackets and school supplies, and donate your time through volunteering!

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Executive Officer

Lenny Buckley

403-678-9801 ext. 7


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