Earth Rangers

we serve these populations

  • children and youth

we need help with:

  • education
  • Environmental Sustainability

Earth Rangers is the kids’ conservation organization, on a mission to create a generation of conservationists who are informed, hopeful, and empowered to take action!

Founded in 2004, Earth Rangers has over 20 years of experience developing and delivering a proven model of environmental education and engagement for kids that is truly one of a kind. Our core programs are for ages 6-12; a critical time for nurturing children’s intrinsic love of nature, and instilling values and behaviours that help protect the natural world. These programs provide compelling free resources and activities that kids can participate in at school, at home, and in their communities, that are designed to create a sense of optimism for the future and demonstrate that the things we do today will matter tomorrow.

Our programs include:

  • THE EARTH RANGERS SCHOOL ASSEMBLY, an exciting and educational presentation about biodiversity, nature, and sustainability for grades 1-6.
  • MEMBERSHIP, a free program that allows kids to become official Earth Rangers members, and uses principles of gamification to motivate, reinforce, and reward environmental learning and action.
  • MISSIONS, activities that provide science-based information on a specific environmental topic in a kid-friendly manner, brought to life by an activity designed to engage the whole family such as planting pollinator gardens, organizing neighbourhood cleanups, and collecting and recycling old batteries.
  • CHALLENGES, which encourage small actions we can do every day to help fight climate change. Each Challenge has a fun theme, such as Rangers vs. Plastic (a sports-themed challenge that puts plastic in the penalty box) and All Taste, No Waste (a challenge around reducing food waste at home).
  • HOMEROOM, an online platform dedicated to environmental educators that provides free teaching resources for grades K-8.
  • EARTH RANGERS CLUBS, a place where community groups or eco-clubs can become official Earth Rangers Clubs and access resources and materials to support student-led club activities throughout the year.
  • WILDLIFE ADOPTIONS, where members are introduced to incredible young researchers and conservationists across Canada, and can directly contribute to a variety of conservation projects by purchasing a digital or plush toy animal adoption kit.
  • ER TEENS, a new program for teens aged 13-18 that guides them through their own community-based projects that address local environmental needs, while also allowing them to fulfill community service requirements.

Earth Rangers takes pride in the effectiveness of our approach in working with kids to achieve meaningful change. Our programs are proven to have a positive impact on our members, resulting in more confident and socially responsible children. In fact, research conducted with Ipsos Canada indicates that Earth Rangers members have a greater knowledge base on environmental issues, and reported significantly higher rates of sustainable behaviours at home as compared to non-members. But perhaps most importantly, the survey also found that kids who participate in Earth Rangers are significantly more optimistic for the future, and more confident in their ability to affect change. Learn more about how we help kids overcome fears and worries about the future of the planet here:

Join us!

Register your child for their free Earth Rangers membership on the Earth Rangers App. You will be asked to provide the email address of a parent or guardian. Once you have activated your child’s account, they will receive their welcome package in the mail, including their very own personalized membership card!

Download on the App Store

Download on Google Play

Earth Rangers is a charity that depends on the support of the community to keep our programs 100% free for all children in the Calgary area. Make a donation today to invest in the future of our children, and the world their children will grow up in.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Christina Ingraldi

Director of Development


More Info

Charity Number: #8922 00528 RR0001

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Financial Statements / Annual Reports

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