Empowering Minds

we serve these populations

  • children and youth

we need help with:

  • education

Empowering Minds is a Calgary-based charity and we believe in empowerment through leadership development. Through our Teen Leadership Breakthrough Program and our subsequent On-Team Ambassador opportunities, youth experience learning in a new way. With a focus on social-emotional learning, our programs challenge teens to be more resilient and aware of themselves and their relationships with others. Our program highlights the importance of goal-setting, effective self-management, and the value of leaving a positive impact on the world.

Partnering with High Schools and youth-focused organizations across the city, we’ve helped over 5,000 young people, providing them with world-class leadership experiences and instruction.

Teen Leadership Breakthrough Program

Teen Leadership Breakthrough is a two and a half day interactive course that takes place at Camp Chestermere that will empower youth to advance their leadership abilities and allow them to create positive change in their lives. This course is intended for teenagers aged 15-18 who are currently in High School. This course is hands-on and immersive, requiring participants to overcome obstacles and complete activities that focus on various skills such as teamwork, focus, communication, character and self-confidence. We already know that youth have the power to rise up and become leaders and Teen Leadership Breakthrough is about making sure they know it as well. Our goal is to help young people shatter glass ceilings rather than slip into glass slippers. As they learn to take an active role in becoming a leader in their own spheres of influence and move outside their comfort zones, these teens will experience not only educational epiphanies but also personal breakthroughs. Teen Leadership Breakthrough is designed so that when students return to their daily lives, they are more engaged in their own success, more enthusiastic about the world around them, and more empowered to lead.

Teen Leadership Breakthrough Takeaways:

Passion and enthusiasm to live a mission and set of values.
Know how to prioritize and keep focused on consistent efforts.
Learning when it is important to listen, when and how to ask questions, and how to articulate ideas powerfully.
How to work as a team, build trusting relationships, add to a group’s success, and foster the best in others.
How to unleash personal power by facing fears and moving forward, testing the limits and learning one’s true capacity.
Discovering what it is that makes you who you are.
Understanding the characteristics of being a successful leader.
Learning to value having fun with teammates while concentrating efforts on a common goal.
Commitment to oneself and the value of accountability.

STEP Youth Discovery Program

Empowering Minds brings you STEP!  This is a youth discovery program where students receive their own Youth Report that highlights preferences in the ways they think and behave, which helps youth gain a clearer and deeper self-understanding.

The 3-hour virtual Student/Teacher Emergenetics Program empowers youth to better understand themselves and others in how they think, communicate, and learn.

This proven program with a youth Emergenetics Report, is an exciting way to integrate how students prefer to learn and how teachers can facilitate an educational environment that enhances, deepens, and provides authentic learning experiences for all.

Based on Emergenetics theory and using positive strengths-based language, STEP honours students through seven distinct thinking and behavior attributes. The result is increased tolerance, motivation, engagement, self-awareness, and an ability to collaborate successfully in cognitively diverse teams.

STEP™ Youth Discovery Program Takeaways (for students and teachers):

Collaboration: Build acceptance for diverse thinking and behaving. Enhance communication, creativity, and problem solving.
Application of Knowledge: Understand how thinking and behavioral preferences can help “show what you know.”
Tolerance / Acceptance: Learn in an environment that promotes acceptance of others and a culture of appreciation for all.
Learning: Understand how energy around classroom activities can make learning more productive, fun, and sustainable.
Career / College Plans: Understand how thinking and behavioral attributes bring value to the next phase after high school.
Build Communication Skills
Build Problem Solving Skills
Build Critical Thinking Skills
Build Leadership Skills
Increase Self-Awareness and Self-Confidence
Build Resiliency

We are an independent, public charity, relying on the support from schools, community initiatives, volunteers, donors, and corporate funding to bring our one-of-a-kind program to more and more teens.

Join us, and together we can empower the young minds of the future and create a better world for them to grow, learn, develop, and lead.

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Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Alexis Paproski (she/her)

Sr. Operations Manager



More Info

Charity Number: #812323707RR0001

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