Hakili community for sustainable development

we serve these populations

  • children and youth
  • homelessness
  • immigrant newcomers
  • women
black led

Our Vision
A world of genuinely equal opportunities for all people, where no one is left behind.

Our Mission
Our mission is to increase intergenerational economic mobility for marginalized and underserved communities through value-added programming for families, public awareness and educational activities.

Our Needs
We are a volunteer-run and grassroots organization; we rely 100% on each other. This allows us to keep our operating costs low; 90% of funds donated go directly towards program delivery benefiting children, youth and their families. Beyond financial needs, we seek people like you who believe like us that it takes a village to raise a child. You can volunteer as little as 2 hours to 20hrs a week performing a wide range of tasks. Reach out and have a chat with us.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Camilia Thieba

CEO and Founder

(403) 690-8061


More Info

Charity Number: #769649112RR0001

Visit our Website