Hospice Calgary - Children's Grief Centre & Living with Advanced Illness Centre

we serve these populations

  • aging population
  • children and youth
  • homelessness
  • immigrant newcomers
  • indigenous communities
  • women

we need help with:

  • mental health

The Children’s Grief Centre provides 1-1 and family counselling and peer-support programs to children over 5, teens, and their caregivers. These services are offered on a sliding scale, and no one is turned away due to an inability to pay.

Supporting your children through grief can be challenging. What do you say or do? How can you help your kids cope? How do you cope?

The stages of grief can have lasting mental health effects on families. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, “loss is one of life’s most stressful events. It takes time to heal, and everyone responds differently.” Hospice Calgary’s Children’s Grief Centre recognizes that each individual requires unique support. When a child loses a parent, family member, or friend, they may turn to unhealthy coping techniques. Our team is here to respond with compassion and understanding in order to help children, teens, and their families heal.

Our data indicate that in the last year, 88% of the families who accessed counselling through our Children’s Grief Centre declared that they were under the LICO cut-off (LICO is $46,300 for a family of four living in Calgary, according to Stats Canada).

72% of our clients did not pay any fees for their services, and the remaining majority also accessed some subsidy for their counselling. Sessions are often held at home or a child’s school to remove barriers to accessing crucial mental health support.

Your donations will subsidize counselling costs for those who cannot afford to pay and support the costs of technology, supplies, utilities, admin support, client intake, professional development, and volunteer costs.

“I have felt alone parenting my girls in their grief with my own grief. Our loss had a lot of judgement and stigma. It is comforting to feel connected to others who know what we are going through.”


Our Living with Advanced Illness Centre supports clients of all ages living with an advanced illness or those who have someone close to them living with an advanced illness (family member, close friend, etc.). Services are offered from the point of diagnosis and then for as long as needed.

The centre offers community education through online workshops and resources, individual and family counselling, bereavement support, and the newly launched Companion Program.

  • The Companion Program carefully matches volunteers with clients to provide regular support, including respite, companionship, resource sharing, and other practical support. The program aims to reduce stress and feelings of isolation in patients, caregivers, and their families and promote an active role in living life to the fullest during illness.
  • Counselling for individuals, caregivers, and families navigating illness, end-of-life, and bereavement. Grief is a common response when experiencing any life-limiting illness and loss. Counselling can help navigate through these challenging times. We have a specialized team of counsellors who work with clients, caregivers, and family members of all ages through illness, end-of-life, and bereavement.
  • Dying to Know is an online workshop offered nine months a year covering various topics related to death and dying. The interactive sessions are open to anyone and offer strategies for staying resilient through challenging times and help care partners become more confident in their roles.
  • Online self-directed resources whenever you need them. Our practical tools and resources are available to support individuals, professionals, and community advocates who are grieving or supporting others.

“One of the best parts of this work is accompanying clients through the hardest times and also being there to celebrate with them when they have joyful experiences.” – Jessica, Hospice Calgary Counsellor.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Kelsey Murdoch

Director, Marketing & Fund Development



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Charity Number: #118963669RR0001

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