Humanity In Practice (h!p)

We collaborate with other agencies to create projects that will support the work they do within our communities. Today, we have 2,000 volunteers (1300 of them are under the age of 12) and they have delivered over 40,000 items of need to local agencies.
We understand the positive impact that volunteering brings. Research tells us it raises self esteem and lowers blood pressure, creates happiness and reduces depression and increases longevity. But how to volunteer has changed. Volunteer Canada states that 6 in 10 Canadians have volunteered, 82% in a flexible role! As a growing society, we need to create more flexible ways of giving back that is inclusive of all ages.h!p projects are monthly projects (October-May) which support the needs of  a cause here in Calgary. Volunteers choose which projects they wish to participate in and complete the project from their classroom, home, office or youth group.  Projects are picked up and delivered to the receiving agency by h!p volunteers.  We also offer tailored volunteer projects to large groups.

h!ppo is a program that supports children living in shelters or transitional housing, by providing seasonal treats and creative play kits that are considered an important part of childhood but that are not affordable for these families. (This past holiday season we stuffed and delivered 226 stockings to children living in shelters)

h!pchicks is a network of women who wish to volunteer in one of 3 ways; support an event, donate a needed item or participate in an episodic volunteer opportunity.  This network connects women via social media to potential ways they can support local causes in an informal manner that is respectful of their busy lives.

The Pony Express is an inter-generational program that through the power of the pencil, students are connected with seniors, building pen pal relationships. These monthly connections help practice penmanship, reduce isolation and develop empathy between generations. (Currently we have 152 pen pals!)JOIN US! Send us your e-mail for monthly updates on how simple it is to behip!

We work with local agencies to create our projects and promote them within our schools and communities.  Our goal is to have at least one project for every not for profit in Calgary!  This program connects those who want to help with those who need help. We are looking for a donor to support the costs associated with creating and coordinating this program.

The annual budget to bring these seasonal moments of joy through our h!ppo program is $50 per child.  We also accept donations of seasonal candy, art supplies and journals to reduce our costs and increase the number of children we can support.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Executive Director

Janica Fisher



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