Impact Society for Children and Families in Turmoil

In 1994, Jack and Collette Toth founded Impact Society in Calgary, AB. Their mission: to passionately work with youth to discover their strengths, make good choices and build strong character. For 15 years, the grassroots organization continued working locally with community volunteers to deliver programs. In 2009, Impact Society’s story transformed into a national one, partnering with TransCanada Corporation to drive a HEREOS® Across Canada expansion.

Young people deal with big issues and make choices that will affect their futures. We build a network of strengths-focused communities around youth. Through our programs, we help youth recognize and build on their strengths and equip them to make the right decisions, so that they can lead purposeful lives.  We also empower the parents, care-givers, community workers and leaders to better support healthy youth development.

With over 22 years of experience in schools and communities across the country, Impact Society specialises in strength-based development leading to community health, sustainability and transformational change. Our programs and services are founded on identifying and developing the inherent strengths and resiliency within each individual through the sequential progression of feelings, thoughts, and behaviours.

Taking a holistic approach, Impact Society aims to improve community health through our many programs (HEROES) that engages people into a thinking process that builds their mental, emotional and spiritual capacity.  We stand by the fact that it takes a community to raise a child — we believe that each community has a part in supporting, nurturing, and developing their young people into successful individuals that give back to their community. Through programs with youth, families, Chief & Council, and communities, we help them see that THEY have the answer within — pointing to the strengths of the community, rather than any dysfunction.


  • In 2014 Impact Society had the opportunity to expand services within the indigenous communities and schools for more than ten years. The program since existence has been taken by more than 160,000 people throughout North America.
  • Impact Society has impacted over 150,000 youth through HEROES® and other programs made available in schools, community agencies, local police services and other partnerships across Canada. Impact Society has been awarded the Alberta’s Promise Red Wagon for investing in the lives of children.

There are other agencies and programs that focus on character development. Impact Society programs are different because they focus on celebrating every individual’s existing strengths, rather than their weaknesses or problems. With this strengths-based focus, we offer youth and their support networks the framework and vocabulary to have the important conversations and develop a key understanding that will create a safe, supportive community of learners.

Our proprietary and evidence-based programs include:


HEROES is a 12-session experience designed to engage youth on a powerful journey of identity, resilience and purpose. It is a holistic approach to strength-based character development touching the mental, emotional, physical and social conscience of an individual.


HEROES2, (H2) is an 11-session experience designed to empower youth to continue developing and practicing his or her gifts & abilities. Individuals are challenged to put what they learned in HEROES into practice – focusing on the role they play in making an impact on the world around them.


HEROES AT HOME, an interactive course for parents and caregivers, contextualizes HEROES strength-based process for application in the home environment.  HEROES AT HOME can be applied to both parents/ care-givers and their children.

LEGENDS Leadership 

LEGENDS is an adult leadership program that has been contextualized from HEROES. LEGENDS enables participants to become better leaders by understanding individual and team strengths.  This program has been an invaluable resource for Indigenous communities.Dear Donors and Charitable Givers,

We are seeking support from you to enable us to continue our impact Society programs and community initiatives of strength building and resiliency in Aboriginal Communities in Alberta,& British Columbia The Charitable giving will allow impact society to continued success of impact Society’s program and demonstrate its soundness and effectiveness to the Aboriginal 1st Nations  community development agencies, and local private funding sources for future funding of the long-term programs.

We ask for your partnership and donations  because of the interest in alternative education and youth leadership development, especially within the Aboriginal/ 1st Nations spiritual beliefs, Resiliency,strength and sustainability  for the community.We critically need funds,and your assistance  to continue our programs Despite our general fundraising efforts, our program budget is far from balanced. Cuts in Educational funding, Donations, and industry support, and government financing continue, this has a direct impact on our committed vision to assist and help 1st nations/ aboriginal communities and Youth.

Impact Society is a Non-Profit organisation committed to excellence, with a clear vision and a passion for delivering outstanding results. We ask you to work with us to capitalize on our growth and these make any donations or charitable giving please go to our website or contact [email protected].

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Impact Society for Children and Families in Turmoil

Tony Ryan



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