Jack Long Foundation for Community Development

“…there is an infinity of possible viewpoints but the only one that can be said to be proper​​ is the standpoint, or viewpoint of the community itself.”- Jack Long 1925-2001

Jack truly lived  his philosophy and had a profound impact on the face of Calgary in his roles as architect, planner, city councillor, and community activist over his four decade career. Avenue Magazine stated “It’s hard to find anyone else who’s had such a profound impact on the face of Calgary in the second half of the 20th century”. Jack was a visionary who was responsible for the design of the Calgary Science Centre (1966); he was awarded the Canadian Design Council Concrete Awards Program. The building remains relevant and is in the running to house Calgary’s New Contemporary Art Gallery. Always compassionate, Jack was named Honorary Chief of the Stoney Indian Tribe due to his respect and work for aboriginal causes. Never shrinking from controversy, Jack successfully helped battle CP Rail in their attempt to relocate the railway tracks to run along the Bow River and along Prince’s Island.

His passion for community activism helped community residents realize that they are responsible for the destiny of their neighbourhoods. He is well known for his  work in his home community of Inglewood, which widely engaged community residents in planning for the redevelopment of their community as it faced its demise in the late 60’s and 70’s. Jack steadfastly fought for and defended the community’s right to affect its own future stating “To use the community viewpoint…This means the planning becomes a participational planning process, utilizing the viewpoint of Every Man the Planner”. “Every Man the Planner” was the title Jack’s Master’s Thesis, which documented his unique work with Inglewood residents. His legacy lives on with the Jack Long Foundation (JLF).

JLF conducts a unique, Affordable Housing Planning Process that is community based. Stakeholders bring critical community knowledge to the table. JLF programs engage individuals and facilitate collaborative relationships with like-minded community organisations.

Vision: To to work with individual communities to develop their unique strategy for building affordable housing within their boundaries. We believe in the power of a community coming together as a collective to identify opportunities and resources, address internal needs, and in turn make the city a better place. We make things happen. When we say “community” …we see belonging – not geography. We see hope – not powerlessness. We see living – not occupancy. We work with real people in real communities to get affordable housing built… according to their plan.

Mission: To encourage, support, and build projects and  processes, which promote social and ethical responsibility, build healthy environments, and develop dynamic and balanced urban communities in which all community residents have the opportunity to participate and contribute.


We work with communities to deliver community based affordable housing. Stakeholders bring critical community knowledge to the table. JLF programs engage individuals and facilitate collaborative relationships with like-minded community organisations. Face-to-Face… Shoulder-to-Shoulder… It begins with a conversation. Every community has the resources and the ability to affect change. The JLF process initiates change; we bring together all stakeholders and interested parties and help them devise THEIR plan. We tailor meetings to identify objectives and opportunities; address community issues; and write THEIR community plan. Good plans lead to action. We’ve tested the process and are moving forward… We started several years ago by running a pilot with one community. They talked. We listened. They saw a lack of housing for seniors in need of daily support. This was no surprise. They worried about seniors living unsafely in their homes beyond their capacity to do so.


We are working with East Village Seniors to take an active look to the future!

We engaged East Village seniors in THEIR vision on ageig-in-place. Why East Village?

PHASE I – COMPLETE! We worked with The University of Calgary SAPL to create a model connects seniors with the community in a multi-generational setting!

East Village has possibly the highest concentration of seniors with a 3-4 block radius. It all started with a conversation over lunch with a few committed people. They shared their ideas on what they would like to see in the next phase of their lives. It was no surprise to see that belonging, dignity, and living in community were forefront in their values. They most welcomed the opportunity to share their opinions and insights and share their vision with the community. We wondered who else should we ask if not seniors themselves!


We sought expert advice from seniors themselves. They said, “Don’t take away our choices.”  We decided to take on the challenge…Elderhouse… A fresh approach. Elderhouse is our newest challenge. We are set to build a shared home, designed by seniors for seniors… something that belongs in every community. It’s more than a building – it’s about people and caring relationships, private spaces, lots of light, a friendly atmosphere, nutrition, and healthy living. A different perspective – a focus on healthy living and not simply managing health conditions. It’s about people… not beds. It’s not about the number of beds. That’s for hospitals. It’s a shared home. It’s personal. Elderhouse is designed to build relationships, combat loneliness, and it’s about belonging. Seniors are valuable; they have much to contribute; their home must be part of and open to the community. It’s about community. Local residents are given priority.

The first Elderhouse is being planned for Inglewood. WE HAVE LAND. LET’S BUILD IT!

III. ASSIST – Neighbour-To-Neighbour

What happens with the “Honey Do List” when there is no Honey to do it? We’re trying something new! “It takes a village”… We are launching a community fix-it program. It’s simple. Seniors request help with small chores, we organize a team of volunteers and a work day, to get the work done.

 ELDERHOUSE FUNDING GOAL:  $4,200,000.00 to house 17 – 23 vulnerable seniors – $2.2 MILLION RAISED!

“I feel these “ units” would make it more comfortable for people to join in who do not feel comfortable in large crowds. It would be necessary to have someone there 24 hours per day. We want to remain as independent as we can and this bit of help would keep us out of nursing homes for quite a while. There is a catch however. It would have to be affordable.” – An Elder waiting to live in a place like Elderhouse.

Make Elderhouse a reality. Be an innovator for seniors’ housing. Many seniors & community residents have donated heartfelt dollars, for the land, and creb Foundation have and Fort Calgary Lions have donated $10,000.00 each for pre-development work.   LET’S BUILD IT!

SPONSOR – Make a difference. Be a  sponsor and share in the Elderhouse legacy.

DONATE – Make a personal donation or adopt Elderhouse as part of your business’s community service. MULTIPLY your donation if you have a Corporate employee matching plan? Watch your contribution multiply!

  • $500- Door Opener! Sponsors a door… Yes really a front door for a senior.
  • $25,000 – $100,000 – Transporter! More than an elevator… a gateway to free access and movement!
  • $40,000 – $55,000 – Benefactor! Sponsor a home and refuge for a single senior or a couple!
  • Know anyone who wants to be a gamechanger? $500,000 gets us 1/4 of the way to our remaining $2,000,000 goal!

ADVOCATE – Raise awareness on the need for seniors’ housing! We all know someone who needs a safe place to live!

BE A GAME CHANGER – Ask us about how you can plan for affordable housing in your community.

MONTHLY DONOR – Help us to work with more communities by donating monthly. Every dollar makes a difference.

ACT – Use your circle of influence to raise funds and awareness. Host a party and collect donations Every dollar counts!

TAKE CONTROL – Call us if your community is interested in the “Elderhouse” model or in setting up a “Neighbour-To-Neighbour” Program; we would be happy to make a presentation… it’s all about sharing the information.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Jack Long Foundation for Community Development

Shirley-anne Reuben



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