New West Symphony and Chorus

we need help with:

  • arts

Our Story – Why We Exist

In 2010, Jonathan and Kristen Schorr had returned to Calgary after travelling to the United States to study conducting and musical performance. Eager to perform the kinds of music they were passionate about but unable to find a group that met their needs, they decided to send out some letters to friends they knew were talented musicians and outline their dream for a group that was both an excellent community and was performing incredible music at the highest level.

Since that time, the dream of New West Symphony and Chorus has been realized and expanded many times. As an auditioned group with extremely high quality musical leadership and a commitment to helping it’s members grow as musicians, New West consistently brings the best out of it’s musicians and performers. New West is also intentional about creating a community that is close, supportive, and welcoming.

Our Impact – What We Do

The now 70 member choir and orchestra began with only 30 members, and has quickly gained recognition throughout Calgary. This group of dedicated volunteers will host an average of 15 concerts a year. Major concerts have been a huge success at concert halls such as the Jack Singer, The Bella, the Rosza Centre, and the Banff Centre among others. New West performs a variety of music from sacred to pop genres, as well as commissioning new choral and orchestral works.

Established as a charitable organization, New West believes in using their platform to help erase poverty by partnering with organizations that serve the vulnerable, both in our city and around the globe. Each year, New West selects one local and one international charity with which to partner and raises funds through performing and other fundraising to support that organization as well as develop an ongoing relationship of engaging our membership and audiences in the vision of the charities we support.

Our Programs – How We Do It

New West Symphony and Chorus rehearses weekly to learn and memorize a broad range of music from all different styles and genres. New music is selected annually, and each member memorizes around 50 new songs each year. The choir and orchestra work together to prepare music that is sufficiently challenging and exciting, but also engage in conversations around how to keep the meaning and message of each song at the forefront of our performances.

The production team includes a variety of technicians and creative professionals and volunteers who work tirelessly to create set pieces and other scenic elements, to create meaningful and surprising moments of wonder within the performances, and to collaborate with other groups around Calgary and Alberta to present the best possible shows by those who are passionate about the arts in Alberta.

Our Requests – What You Can Do

Here at NWSC, we believe that we are called to love the poor, the hurting, and the marginalized.

Each season we partner with local and global organizations that are making extraordinary strides in positively impacting our world. We tell the stories of change that are happening because of how YOU contribute to NWSC Gives Back.  We are so excited to raise awareness and support for these wonderful organizations and truly believe that with your help nothing is impossible!

Our ability to advance our mission and vision is made possible largely through the generosity of our donors.  All donors who give $10 or more will receive a tax receipt.

We would love to get to know you better. Those who desire to give based on the following categories will be able to personally connect with New West throughout the year and take part in many exciting events with us.  We look forward to partnering with many of you and thank you in advance in helping us fulfill our mission and vision.

Bronze $500-1499        Bronze donors will receive “best-in-house” seating options for two major concerts in the year in which the sponsorship was received.
Silver $1,500-1,999      Silver donors will be featured in concert programs for year in which the sponsorship was received.
Gold $2000+                 Gold donors will be featured on all promotional materials and websites for the year in which the sponsorship was received.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

President & CEO

Leanne Wilkie

(403) 800-3326


More Info


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