PLAN Calgary - The Road Ahead Society

PLAN Calgary focuses on the elements of a good life for individuals with disabilities and works with families and our members to clarify their vision for the future, develop caring relationships, maximize contribution and citizenship, ensure each member has a place to call home and has the financial resources in place for their future.  Our goal is that families will move from unprepared to peace of mind, knowing that their loved one will have the supports in place for when they are no longer able to care for them. In 2018, our Community Connectors worked with 15 members, their families and natural support networks to develop deeper ties in the community and promote participation and citizenship.PLAN Calgary has various levels of memberships available for families to meet their unique needs.

General Membership provides families with an initial consultations, resources for future planning and access to our members newsletters, workshops and events.

Our Lifetime Membership program has access to all of the benefits of the General Membership plus 4-6 hours per month with our Community Connector who focuses on the development of natural support networks.  Our Lifetime Membership also provides families with support through parent gatherings, seminars and workshops that support financial and estate planning and advocacy support.  Our organization also hosts various events throughout the year for members, their family and support networks to strengthen relationships, increase social ties and build community.While PLAN Calgary is based on a membership fee structure, we look to community to support us and provide donations that subsidize the true costs associated with our work with individuals with disabilities and their families. Through community donations and sponsorship, we are also able to offset the fees for families for the true costs associated with our work; each family is subsidized by the organization between $5,000-$7,000 per year.

Our organization also looks for community volunteers who are able to give workshops on financial and estate planning and who may be interested in supporting our community and fundraising events.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Executive Director

Dawn Leonard



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