Priddis Community Association

In July 1967 the people of Priddis installed a time capsule in a ceremony overseen by the Lieutenant Governor of the day The Honourable Grant MacEwan.  As planned, 50 years later in 2017 as part of Canada 150 celebrations the time capsule was opened with the current Lieutenant Governor The Honourable Lois Mitchell in attendance.  The event coincided with our annual Stampede Breakfast with over 1000 people served up pancakes and sausages.


 The heart of Priddis is our community hall located on 3.16 acres of land donated to the people by the man for whom the town is named, Charles Priddis.  The hall is in use every day with a pre-school for 3 & 4 year olds, Jazzercise, cooking classes, cubs, scouts.  Priddis is frequently the site for weddings, birthdays and family reunions.  For information on hall rentals go to Priddis community board meets the second Monday of each month (July and August excepted) at 7:30 pm at the hall 178131 Priddis Valley Road W.  All are welcome to attend.  Family memberships are $25 per year (  Members have access to our skating rink, tennis courts and are eligible for discounted hall rentals.

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