Propellus (Volunteer Centre of Calgary)

Propellus is the hub of volunteering and the resource centre for the non-profit sector. We exist to create a thriving, engaged community for every person.

  • We help build caring communities by connecting people and causes with opportunities to effect positive change.
  • We ignite and empower the spirit of volunteerism by weaving communities, causes, and passionate people together.
  • We work with organizations to ensure that people have meaningful and rewarding experiences through access to a simple, affordable digital platform to engage volunteers.
  • We link  to community partners together to help transform ideas into reality

Our 2018 Annual Report Data: 

  • The VolunteerConnector helped 26,060 volunteers connect directly to organizations in Calgary alone!
  • 1536 unique organizations were served
  • 130,301 people accessed Propellus services
  • 1262 people connected with the Propellus team



  • Connects people across Alberta to over 1,000 opportunities to volunteer through the VolunteerConnector
  • Promotes volunteerism in Calgary through our twitter feed of over 22,000 followers on @volunteercal
  • Promotes our member organizations and partnerships through our newsletter, the wire, which reaches over 10,000 people working and volunteering in Calgary’s nonprofit sector.
  • Connects Volunteer Managers with free opportunities to learn and share from each other’s experience through our Volunteer Engagement Learning Community (VELC) Events.
  • Facilitates ideas and collaboration. From sitting down to help someone who wants to understand where to get started, to connecting organizations who want to work together on a similar idea. We provide the neutral backbone support to help connections  and community synergies grow.
  • Provides workshops for staff and volunteers of organizations in Calgary to improve their volunteer management and board governance.
  • Shows up for community and joins in the conversations that help to progress capacity building and volunteerism in Calgary.

Make a Donation 

Staff and volunteers in non-profit organizations rely on bursaries and grants in order to access expertise and training to strengthen their organization and achieve their missions.

Every year in Calgary, volunteers contribute the equivalent of $3.5 billion is volunteer support to non-profit organizations! A donation to Propellus is a donation to supporting the future of volunteerism in Calgary.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Propellus (Volunteer Centre of Calgary)

Doug Watson



More Info


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