Rail for All: Connecting Communities

we serve these populations

  • aging population
  • immigrant newcomers
  • indigenous communities
  • veterans
  • women

we need help with:

  • employment
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • heritage
  • science and research
  • transportation

Requesting $50000

non profit

Our vision is for a regional inter-municipality transportation network that provides seamless, door-to-door connectivity to everyone in the Alberta. Scheduled regional passenger rail linking local transit, ride share, transit and airlines offers economic, environmental and equity benefits to all, including low-income, first nations, disability and rural communities, locations where transportation alternatives are limited, and those who cannot drive.

We must build a transportation network that will allow anyone to get from their homes to where they need to go – work, school, medical care, family and friends – even if they don’t use a car. Non-drivers are a large and increasing fraction of the population, including the young, the old, the disabled, the poor, and those who are concerned about the planet’s future.

We must join together with those representing rail, port, transit and other transportation modes to amplify our collective voices.

To continue our vital work throughout the region, we need your help. Please support us today!

Our Mission…

Integrated Travel will research and develop the reestablishment of safe, reliable, and sustainable passenger rail service that increases opportunity and contributes to the health and well- being of people across Alberta.

The Benefits of Restoring Passenger rail in Alberta:

– Creates Jobs
– Generates a positive internal rate of return to right of way owners, passenger rail operators, the province, municipalies and rural businesses
– Provides safe, clean transportation year-round for healthcare, education, commerce and tourism
– Upgrades rail line capacity for freight and passenger service

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Vern Raincock


(587) 503-5555


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