Recovery Acres (Calgary) Society

Requesting $25000


Description of Need

The COVID-19 crisis has dramatically limited our capacity to accept new clients into our women’s CARE (Co-occurring Addiction Recovery Essentials) Program. While there is an urgent threat to our physical and collective economic health – there is also a looming mental health crisis laying in wait. To meet this head on, we are taking our women’s co-occurring CARE Program online with a virtual two-week intensive. We are asking for your help to fund financially marginalized women with the cost.


Our Story – Why We Exist

As Calgary’s original drug and alcohol treatment centre, Recovery Acres has been providing gender-specific abstinence-based treatment for substance use and co-occurring disorders since 1973.  We offer evidence-based, trauma-informed care that addresses concurrent mental health issues for both men and women. We recognize the chronic nature of addiction and its impact on families, children, loved ones, workplaces, and whole communities.


“In 2018 I was admitted to the Foothills Hospital after a failed suicide attempt; diagnosed with multiple mental health disorders including two types of anxiety, severe depression, PTSD and alcoholism.

Little did I know, this would begin my journey towards a life beyond anything could have envisioned at the time. Through being active in the 12-step community and completing treatment at CARE for Women, I have been able to successfully return to my career in Project Management and contribute to the community by giving back through my volunteer work.  CARE for Women has been my primary focus and is instrumental to my progress in recovery.

I am also proud to share that I no longer suffer from severe anxiety, depression or the latent effects of PTSD. I have been in remission from my alcoholism for over a year now, and my medical team has given me a better bill of mental health than I ever thought possible.

I am so grateful for being referred to the CARE for Women treatment and relapse prevention programs and continue to help out wherever I can as a way of giving back what was so freely given to me.”

Lisha – CARE Alumni



“I began drinking in the seventh grade. My drinking increased through high school. When I went entered the oil patch at the age of 18, drinking and drug-taking became a way of life. I was married at age 20 and my addictions began to have consequences; trouble with my wife, parents, friends and the law. To all of this, I was oblivious. I couldn’t see that I couldn’t see it. I didn’t know that I didn’t know.  By the time I was 39 I had lost two wives and two sets of children, all of my friends, my home, my job, and I was bankrupt.

Facing life on the street, I reached out for help. But no matter what I did or what others did to help me, I could not stay clean and sober. After detoxing 11 times in 14 months I was referred to Recovery Acres and 1835 House.  I cannot overstate the help they gave me.  The counselors worked with me to understand my alcoholism and addictions; they walked me through the 12 steps of AA, they taught me to live and stay clean and sober, one day at a time. Through the 1835 House treatment program, I slowly began to heal and recognize the things in me that needed to change if I was to become a useful member of society.  I was also introduced to a spiritual understanding that has become instrumental in my recovery.

While at 1835 House, I returned to school to study financial planning.  Over 24 years later, I have built a successful financial advisory business that has afforded me the opportunity to provide for my family, homeownership and the ability to help those less fortunate.  I have also become a competitive triathlete and Ironman which has also contributed to my increased physical and mental well- being.

None of this would have been possible without the help and support of 1835 House and their counselors. My relationship with Recovery Acres is ongoing and I still drop by once a week for lunch to share my experience, strength and hope with the new guys.  On my first day in treatment at 1835 House, I couldn’t imagine a life with or without alcohol and drugs or the life that I have now.

If this is possible for a guy like me – it is possible for anyone!”

Rick D – 1835 House Alumni


Our Impact – What We Do

Over 15,000 men have received treatment for their addiction and mental health issues over the last 48 years.  “CARE (Co-occurring Addiction Recovery Essentials) for Women” program, launched in 2016, helps meet a significant gap in co-occurring and substance use disorder programs for women in Calgary and the surrounding area.

Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Do Not Discriminate

Clients from 1835 House and CARE for Women come from all strata of society.  Doctors, lawyers, clergy, police department, fire department, first nations, professional athletes,  professional musicians, business owners, tradespeople, health practitioners, journalists, teachers and so many more. All socioeconomic groups are also represented – and have included both the wealthy, the famous, the impoverished, the unemployed, single mothers and fathers, the LGBTQ community, the physically disabled and the homeless.

Our Programs – How We Do It

1835 House has both long term residential and outpatient substance use and mental health disorder treatment programs for men. Both programs are based on the successful Minnesota Model, considered the gold standard for addiction treatment,  first pioneered by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation.

CARE (Co-0ccurring Addiction Recovery Essentials) for Women is an intensive 12-week outpatient clinical program. We provide Psychometric-Specific Psychological Testing and Assessment, Group Therapy, 12 Step Recovery Foundations, Biopsychosocial-spiritual Psychoeducational Programing, and Relapse Prevention.

Transitional Housing Program allows some men additional time to get back on their feet following treatment but is conditional on the client gaining full-time employment.

In-House Childminding for women with children who are unable to afford the cost of treatment.


Clients are referred from corporations, hospitals, universities, the medical profession, Alberta Health Services, Calgary Drug Treatment Court and through self-referrals. Recovery Acres works within an extensive network of stakeholders, service agencies and government agencies including the Calgary Homeless Foundation, Alberta Health, Alberta Justice as well as Pathways to Housing (The Alex), Calgary and area hospitals, various corporations (EAP programs), AA Central and Renfrew Recovery Centre.

Our Requests – What You Can Do


Help The Financially Disadvantaged – Asking for a Hand-up …Not a Hand-out

Low-income Canadians are 3 to 4 times more likely to report poor to fair mental health than those in higher-income groups. Economic barriers should never limit an individual’s timely access to mental health and substance use disorder treatment. No one should have to choose between feeding their families and paying rent over accessing timely treatment for their mental health and substance use disorders.

The CARE Program receives no government funding. 

Over 60% of women in the CARE Program are unable to pay for treatment.


Support The CARE Bursary Program – $975 for one week of treatment

Support The CARE Childminding Program – $17 per hour

Consider Joining Our Board of Directors

Recovery Acres (Calgary) Society is committed to fostering and cultivating a culture of diversity and inclusion within our board of directors.  We understand that nonprofit boards that lack diversity, may succumb to groupthink, which stifles innovation and creativity and creates mediocre decisions at best.

We believe that social diversity (e.g., gender, race/ethnicity, and age diversity) and professional diversity are very important. Diverse boards make for different perspectives, better decisions, and stronger board governance.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Daryl Moldenhauer



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Charity Number: #11911 1196 RR0001

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