Samaritan Club of Calgary

we serve these populations

  • aging population
  • children and youth
  • Disabilities
  • homelessness
  • women

we need help with:

  • food security
  • physical health

For over 100 years we’ve provided short-term assistance to Calgarians in need. 

We were founded in 1910 by Mrs. Lenora Woods, wife of the publisher of the Calgary Herald who had seen young women getting off the trains with nothing but a suitcase. Leonora felt compelled to help them and assembled a team who drove a team of horses with a buckboard around the city collecting junk, rags and paper – the sales of which benefited new arrivals to Calgary. Rummage sales, garden parties, teas, concerts and dances were other sources of revenue. Leonora’s generosity has now grown into a team of over 160 volunteer women who raise funds throughout the year to help hundreds of Calgarians in need.

The phone rings in a members home and a social worker says  “I hope you can help this family, they have no food in the house, the kids went to school without breakfast or lunch and there is a new baby …..”

The Samaritan Club of Calgary is 100% volunteer-run, this means no office rent or paid staff, all of our proceeds go back into the community. The Club is dedicated to providing a “hand up” to Calgarians in need. The Club provides support to families in crisis or out of options only by referral from health care professionals such as public health nurses or social workers. Each request for assistance must come either by phone call or written request for assistance with:

  • Groceries
  • Medications
  • Infant formula
  • Transit passes
  • Hygiene products
  • Layettes for newborns
  • Aids to Daily Living

2022-23 Results:

  • 341 adults and 423 children were helped to secure food and supplies at local Co-op stores, usually within 24 hours of the request.
  • 615 Layettes (a bundle of necessities for a new baby) were made and distributed to hospitals and post partum support groups.
  • $6,000 in scholarships for students who attend the Louise Dean High School or the Discovering Choices program to pursue post-secondary education
  • $55,000 was spent in providing aids to daily living such as wheelchairs, scooters bed wedges etc. to low-income clients.
  • $10,000 given to send kids to camp organized by Calgary Apraxia and ROARR (Robinson Outreach at Rivercross Ranch)

With requests by health care professionals, funds are allocated among FOUR core areas:

  1. Vouchers given out within hours for groceries, medications, formula and other baby needs
  2. Special funding requests are submitted by health care workers for approval by our Board to fund aids to daily living
  3. Layettes are distributed by nurses to the families in need for newborns
  4. Scholarships for students at the Louise Dean School and Discovering Choices program  to pursue post-secondary education

The Samaritan Club of Calgary provides much needed support to Calgarians in need.

The following was received from a maternity/child Social Worker after distributing a layette to a new mom:

“They were not born in Canada and are here with no family or friends. Mom had a very traumatic delivery, and they have not been sleeping well since then.  They have also encountered a series of financial stressors prior to delivery, and even though they have been working, they have been struggling.

I brought them a beautiful layette for their precious baby girl.  They cried and were so grateful.  They said that this was the first “gift” their baby has received.”

In addition to the Layette, the family was given a grocery voucher to help them through this difficult time.

Larger projects we have supported in the past:

  • The Kerby Centre’s Senior’s Move Out Fund and the Thrive Program
  • The Boys and Girls Club of Calgary’s Infinity Project
  • The donation of a van to Calgary Meals on Wheels.
  • Funding for the purchase of hygiene products for Keeler Elementary School which has a large population of low income and immigrant families.
  • Sheldon Chumir Wound Clinic – provided winter hats and mitts for their clients who primarily live on the street.

Fundraising efforts:

Samaritans pay an annual fee to be members and raise funds throughout the year to ensure that 100% of the funds raised in the community can be directed to those in need.  Funds are raised through the Super Thrift Sales held in both the Spring and Fall at the Hillhurst-Sunnyside Community Centre, a Bridge & Games luncheon, our Casino event and an annual golf tournament.

DONATE: We ask that you assist us in supporting an ever-increasing population in Calgary suffering from food insecurity and an inability to support their families with aids to daily living.

Please visit here to donate:


  • Semi-annual Super Thrift Sale held on the last Saturday of April and last Saturday of September at Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association (continuous since 1947)
  • Golf Tournament
  • Bridge and Games Luncheon and silent auction

Please visit our website for more information on our fundraising events.


Please EMAIL US to see if becoming a member is the right fit for you.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Samaritan Club of Calgary


More Info

Charity Number: #129909313RR0001

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