Shock Trauma Air Rescue Service (STARS)

Your support doesn’t just make STARS possible; it makes us exceptional.

Our unique funding model, blending support from the governments, the business community, and individual donors, gives us financial stability as well as the ability to fundraise for excellence.

Governments at all levels are subject to many economic, political, and community priorities. If we rely exclusively on government funding, we cannot maintain our vital program and keep it cutting edge.

Your support fuels our innovation. From medical equipment and procedures, to aviation tools like night vision goggles, to training aids like human patient simulators-none of this would be possible without investment from the community.

By supporting STARS, you are a key ally in our fight to save lives. Eighty percent of STARS’ funding in Alberta comes from corporate and private donations. STARS total operating expenses per base is approximately $10 million a year.STARS is a charitable, non-profit organization, and the STARS Foundation is the fundraising arm of the organization. Funding is met through donations received from individuals, service groups, business and corporations, municipalities, and through collaborative agreements with provincial governments.

Our nurses and paramedics are experienced, typically with at least five years professional background in hospitals or ambulance services, before joining us. Those selected to join must then successfully complete a comprehensive and intensive 10-week induction training program that exceeds 200 hours of instruction before they can accept their first mission. After that, a minimum of 96 hours of ongoing specialized air ambulance and critical care training is required annually for as long as they work for STARS.

Becoming a STARS transport physician doesn’t come easy either. Our doctors come from backgrounds that include specialty level emergency medicine and other critical care fields. Like our nurses and paramedics, STARS transport physicians work in the local community and must meet ongoing training requirements.

On board, patients are always cared for by a STARS flight nurse and flight paramedic team. A transport physician accompanies the patient when required, about 20 per cent of the time. Otherwise, they are always available for consultation through telephone or radio link.

The incredible ongoing support of the community helps us continually enhance our innovative and leading-edge air medical programs and service.

STARS total operating expenses per base is approximately $10 million a year.

STARS also facilitates a critical care transport medicine education program for all air medical personnel (fixed wing and rotary) in the province. This provides consistent training and equitable education opportunities. STARS also coordinates the movement of critically ill patients from rural hospitals to larger centres.Your support doesn’t just make STARS possible; it makes us exceptional.

Our unique funding model, blending support from the governments, the business community, and individual donors, gives us financial stability as well as the ability to fundraise for excellence.

Governments at all levels are subject to many economic, political, and community priorities. If we rely exclusively on government funding, we cannot maintain our vital program and keep it cutting edge.

Your support fuels our innovation. From medical equipment and procedures, to aviation tools like night vision goggles, to training aids like human patient simulators-none of this would be possible without investment from the community.

By supporting STARS, you are a key ally in our fight to save lives. Eighty percent of STARS’ funding in Alberta comes from corporate and private donations. STARS total operating expenses per base is approximately $10 million a year.

The partnerships we have formed with other emergency medical service providers, businesses, and service clubs strengthen our ability to meet our vision of saving lives.

Whether you make a donation, buy a STARS Calendar or Lottery ticket, or volunteer your time, you help make a difference. To see the various ways you can help support STARS, click here:

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Shock Trauma Air Rescue Service Foundation (STARS)

Miriam Moisan



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