Supporting Trans and Gender Diverse Albertans Through COVID-19

Requesting $50000


In the midst of this COVID-19 crisis, we have seen a number of noticeable shifts impacting our client population. First and foremost is the impact that social distancing is having on our ability to maintain operations.

We have been doing out best to move meetings and programming online but this is taking time we need to invest in staff development in order to implement smooth and efficient service delivery. Time alone in capacity building has been proving expensive, yet this is an investment that we expect to pay off as we move forward.

Where services are not able to be delivered online, such as with food security and transportation support, significant dollars have been invested in ensuring our staff, volunteers, and service users are safe and healthy. We have liaised with medical consultants,  created sanitation kits, and adjusted protocols in order to ensure that our client receive the supports they need and deserve.

Additionally, we have seen a significant increase in the number of folks reaching out for services since the onset of COVID-19. This has resulted in many more hours of intake staff working to assess the needs of out clients and link them with internal and external supports.

Our mental health program continues to connect with trans and gender diverse folks and their families to assist them with a diversity of needs.

Our community-based programming such as peer support and community connections (social and legal transition support) are stretched to capacity.

Contributions to our agency in any amount are greatly appreciated! These funds would bemused to respond to the increased demand for services, as well as support our increased operational, administrative, and capacity building expenses.


Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Lindsay Peace



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Charity Number: #71933 7081 RR0001

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