Somali Youth League Society

Requesting $7000

non profit

COVID-19 is threatening the livelihoods, investments and financial stability of countless households, but a lot of low-income families are very difficult for individuals and families who are already managing on extremely tight budgets. The emotional deficit, an unexpected illness or a delay in receiving benefits can be enough to push people into the food crisis. It is vital to prevent the unchecked spread of the pandemic in Calgary through any community. Although it is very difficult when you have not enough funds to look after our community. We started visiting a lot of neighbourhoods to spread the pandemic information but, we don’t stop there, but to ask how they are doing in order to help them out if they need so, we could show them the proper steps to take. This is why the Somali Youth League Society is working with the community and we’re still possible to adapt their response, reduce the spread of the virus and protect people to the best. (transportation, educational & food)

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Abdi Hassan

403 383-8426


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Nonprofit Number: #5015766800

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