Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society

The Society has worked toward protection of the Weaselhead and adjacent Glenmore Park for 24 years through its environmental education, community stewardship programs and citizen-science activities. Every year over 4000 students take part in our outdoor education programs, 100s of citizens enjoy guided hikes and other events that help them appreciate the diversity of living things that share our city, and 100s more volunteer to protect native flora and fauna by removing invasive plants and garbage from the park.

As a result:

The Weaselhead remains the most biodiverse area in Calgary with over 1,000 species and 5 distinct ecosystems.

The riparian area and associated wetlands continue to help maintain water quality and quantity in the adjacent Glenmore Reservoir, ecosystem services that benefit all Calgarians.

Changes have been made to the environmental mitigation measures included in the new ring road under construction along the edge of the park to reduce its impact on biodiversity and ecosystem function.

 Helping our citizens (and future citizens) understand and value the many living organisms that share our urban environments by: offering outdoor and indoor curriculum-based education programs aimed at K – Grade 9 students; organising public events like guided hikes and bioblitzes; creating art events and exhibitions that explore this theme.

Engaging people in active caring of our urban parks by: organsing annual park ‘clean-ups’ and weeding workshops to control invasive species.

Offering opportunities to get involved with citizen-science projects: the Society is part-way through a 7-year study into the impact of the South West Calgary Ring Road on the Weaselhead; it is a partner in the ‘Calgary Captured’ citizen-science project that is investigating wildlife movement in the City; it orgainses naturalist lead ‘bioblitzes’ on multiple taxonomic groups using the iNaturalist platform.We are currently seeking new Board members, especially in communication, marketing and finance. (Board meetings are help once per month, in the evening from  – 9 pm)

Donations to support any of the Society’s programs are very welcome and can be made on the Society’s website through Paypal (note: no Paypal account in necessary)

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Executive Director

Sarah Nevill



More Info

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