Wilder Institute

we serve these populations

  • animal welfare

we need help with:

  • conservation
  • education
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • science and research

The Wilder Institute works to restore balance between human life and wildlife through conservation translocations and community conservation. We know it is possible to bring species back from the brink. Many species in Canada and around the world survive in the wild due to committed conservation action that benefits both wildlife and people.

The Wilder Institute engages in collaborative partnerships here and around the world to innovate and apply scientific solutions that achieve long-term benefits for wildlife conservation. We work with government, academic, industry, community, and non-profit partners to develop and implement conservation strategies to benefit critical species-at-risk. Our research advances the science and best practices of conservation biology to stop the decline of important species and protect and restore critical biodiversity.

The world is facing serious challenges. The number of endangered species are increasing, habitats are disappearing and the pressures of human consumption on the planet continue to grow. All too often wildlife loses out.

Few of us will ever have a chance to alter the course of history. But together, we might just be able to. Together, we can make the world a wilder place.

Our current conservation programs include:  Whooping Crane, Vancouver Island Marmot, Northern Leopard Frog, Half-Moon Hairstreak Butterfly, Burrowing Owl, Crooked-Stem Aster, Wood Poppy, Limestone Barrens, Wechiau Community Hippo Sanctuary,  Kenya Mountain Bongo Partnership, Cross River Gorilla Initiative and building a Standardized Protocol for Evaluating Community Conservation Success (SPECCS). Find out more at wilderinstitute.org.

Your support will ensure there are wildlife, wild places and thriving communities in our future.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Brittney Wynnyk

Senior Development Officer, Foundations and Philanthropy

(403) 560-7458


More Info

Charity Number: #89712 3139 RR0001

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Financial Statements / Annual Reports

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Financial Statements / Annual Reports

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