Hope Alive Ministry

we serve these populations

  • immigrant newcomers

we need help with:

  • domestic violence
  • mental health

Requesting $75000

black led
Equity Deserving Community Led

Domestic Violence happens where there are escalated disagreement areas in relationships. The need for Hope Alive to focus our support on African immigrant families in Calgary is mainly for reducing the rate of broken families within the community. The goal is to promote and restore family health and wholeness. The unresolved traumas experienced by the parents is potential for unhealthy behaviors, mindsets and philosophies resulting in abuse, aggression, mental health issues and sometimes, criminal activities.

Mental health is not just a situation where there is absence of mental problems with an individual. It is an awareness and regulation capability. When a trauma experience is not ‘healed’, the tendency to trigger and become reactive is high. These triggers affect behaviors and disrupt the health of a family relationship. Funding will help ongoing discussions, focus groups, workshops, and meetings to share success experiences through learnt tools and resources. Hope Alive has a goal to create a book/workbook that will assist in enhancing the work of creating health African Immigrant families.

Are you a Calgary Foundation Fundholder?

Contact Info

Oluyinka Marcus

Counseling Therapist

(403) 217-3595


More Info

Charity Number: #775564529RR0001

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